If you have downloaded the windows versoin of web2py, then you will
just have web2py.exe (no *.py)

The web2py.py file is only part of the source file.  To run the
windows (or Mac) web2py you don't need anything (not even python)
other than the download.

To run the source version, you need a version of python insatlled, and
you execute with something like:

python web2py.py -a 'my_password'

- Yarko

> On 8/30/09, jayvandal <jayvan...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I have downloaded ipython onto Windows Vista. I caan run ipython, but
>> I don't have a file web2py.py. I have two versions of web2py, but I
>> can't find a web2py.py. Where do I find the file for Windows
>> I have python 31, python26 and python25. I found problems and had to
>> go back 25 to run some python programs. I have the  2 versions of
>> web2py and a mysql, so I have three mysql . I haven't found a way to
>> direct to a certain mysql.
>>  Any help will be appreciated,
>> jim
>> >
> --
> Sent from my mobile device
> Mico Siahaan
> ---
> Email: mico.siah...@gmail.com
> >

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