Can you post the file you sent me(or something better). I have limited

On Aug 20, 8:36 pm, Graham Dumpleton <>
> On Aug 20, 10:20 pm, Alex Fanjul <> wrote:
> > Massimo, Graham commented (replying my "apache+windows+wsgi
> > <>"
> > tutorial post) some security issues in our default configurations using
> > wsgi , I think we have to take in consideration.
> > Maybe its corrected in th new chapter 10. In such a case, could you post
> > the best and secure httpd.conf configuration?
> Massimo has been sent a better configuration, although need to see a
> few more tweaks for it.
> The blog entry:
> starts to explain in more detail why the existing configuration was
> wrong.
> I will blog about what the correct configuration should be, but
> getting the time is an issue.
> And no I am not going to post just the configuration to this list, as
> I want an explanation to go along with it, otherwise people cherry
> pick bits from it not understanding why certain things are done in a
> specific way. Thus it morphs into something which is again wrong.
> Graham
> > /---You should avoid using the mod_wsgi Windows binaries you have, they
> > are old and have a number of notable bugs which may cause problems. Up
> > to date binaries are available from the mod_wsgi site.
> > /I didnt find new ones for python 2.5
> > /---Also, the Location/LocationMatch directives you are using to allow
> > Apache to serve files are a bad idea and doing it that way makes your
> > web server less secure. In this respect, the instructions found with
> > some web2py documentation which you may be following is quite poor and
> > doesn't use best practice. You should use Directory directives instead
> > and qualify access by where the files are stored in the file system and
> > not by the URL path that access them.
> > /I tried but I didnt get the right configuration throught Directory
> > directives... (using wsgi alias, and so...)
> > /---By using Location/LocationMatch directive in the way you have, you
> > have effectively said that someone can download any file from your
> > computer accessible via any URL. The only saving grace at present is
> > that there probably isn't a URL which maps to high in the file system,
> > but if through misconfiguration that was done, then there is nothing
> > else to protect your files from being downloaded. The Directory
> > directive when used properly, would prevent any files outside of the
> > intended directories being downloadable./
> > than
> > Alex F
> > El 17/08/2009 13:10, Massimo Di Pierro escribió:
> > > I want to publicly thank Graham Dupleton both for developing WSGI
> > > (which is critical for a professional and scalable web2py deployment)
> > > and for his help in the new book chapter 10 on deployment recipes. I
> > > discovered he has an Amazon wishlist and that may be a nice way to say
> > > thank you:
> > >
> > > Massimo
> > --
> > Alejandro Fanjul Fdez.
> >
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