you should not need to change anything in the gluon directory;  if you
define your own auth_user table, the profile form should provide access to
it's fields.

On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 6:25 AM, Fran <> wrote:

> On Aug 19, 7:18 am, ed <> wrote:
> > I added fields in mysql table auth_user and would like to show the
> > fields in Edit Profile. Is there a source code where I can modify the
> > function def user() and all the functionalities it exposes like login,
> > change password, profile, etc.. If there is what is the folder name?
> The Auth() class is defined in gluon/
> You can extend the classes in your own module.
> e.g. I do this here:
> F
> >

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