On Aug 13, 2009, at 8:49 AM, Julio wrote:

> I agree, I do not use routes.py in any of my apps, yet I use URL() on
> every page that references a ..URL.., no rewriting of code in case you
> decide to use routes.py eventually.
> What I did in my code above was to use simple HTML tags and a url
> helper method to properly render the url in the href attribute of the
> <a> tag, just for clarification.. same outcome, easier to read imho.

Now that the helpers support both HTML and XHTML doctypes, I'd like to  
see helpers for self-closing tags do the right thing, depending on  
doctype. For example, BR() would generate <br> or <br />  
appropriately, and similarly for HR, IMG, META, etc.

I don't quite see how to mechanize that, though....

> On Aug 13, 8:34 am, Jonathan Lundell <jlund...@pobox.com> wrote:
>> On Aug 13, 2009, at 8:08 AM, Julio wrote:
>>> <ul>
>>>    {{for obra in obras:}}
>>>        <li><a href="{{=URL(r=request, f='mostrar',  
>>> argc=[obra.id])}}"
>>> title="">{{=obra.numero}} {{=obra.nome}}</a></li>
>>>    {{pass}}
>>> </ul>
>>> Why do you want to use "HTML Helpers".. well.. in HTML??, please  
>>> don't
>>> get me wrong, I am not complaining about your code in particular,  
>>> but
>>> in html helpers themselves, IMHO they can potentially create really
>>> nasty views (and don't get me started on using them in  
>>> controllers :)
>> Calling URL() is necessary if you're rewriting with routes.py.
> >

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