Hi Benigno,

I think it should be working but I get the following error.


I ask for help from the group!

can anyone tlme what's going wrong??
Carlos Aboim

2009/8/10 Benigno <bca...@albendas.com>

> Carlos,
>    I am not completelly sure I understand you, but I think that what
> you are looking for is:
> Field('description',label=T('desccição')), or even without the T if
> you are not going to be doing any further translations.
> Field('descricao','string',label='descição'). The string part is not
> needed, as it would be by default.
> As for the other question:
> db.define_table("person", SQLField("gender"),
>                          SQLField("desserts"))
> db.person.gender.requires = IS_IN_SET(("Male","Female"))
> Cheers,
> Benigno.
> On 10 ago, 15:35, Carlos Aboim <abo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi folks,
> >
> > My question is very simple, making me so ashamed...
> > I intend to use non ascii caracters in a model field description, so
> > how do I use a verbose name in the model table?
> >
> > Kind of:
> > SQLField('descricao', string, verbose='descição')  # ---> maybe not
> > correct!!
> >
> > By the way, how do I insert several option in a model field, as Django
> > folks do with lists using the attribute 'choices', like this
> > model.StringField('vendedor', choices=['A', 'B', 'C', ...]) resulting
> > in a drop list menu in the forms.
> >
> > can anybody help me??
> >
> > thank you
> > Carlos Aboim
> >

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