On Aug 5, 3:57 pm, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> You can comment individual lines {{#....}}. To comment an a multiline
> block {{"""...."""} should work. What problem do you have with it?

If there are '{{}}' syntax in the comments, an error is thrown:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/oli/work/dev/python/web2py/web2py/gluon/restricted.py",
line 176, in restricted
    ccode = compile(code.replace('\r\n', '\n'), layer, 'exec')
  File "/home/oli/work/dev/python/web2py/web2py/applications/wiki/
views/default/index.html", line 66
    """\n[ {{response.write(A('search', _href=URL(r=request,
f='search')))\nresponse.write(' ]<br/>\n"""}}\n\n',escape=False)
\n"""\n  vi: ft=htmljinja\n"""\nresponse.write('\n\n          </td>
\n          <!--\n               <td class="width10em column3">
\n                 <h2>Right Column</h2>\n               </td>
\n          //-->\n        </tr>\n        <tr>\n          <td
colspan="10" class="footer">\n            <p>\n            Copyright
&copy; 2009 -\n            Powered by <a href="http://
www.web2py.com">web2py</a>\n            </p>\n          </td>\n
</tr>\n      </table>\n    </div>\n  </body>\n</html>\n',escape=False)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

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