On Aug 4, 2009, at 9:38 AM, Jonathan Lundell wrote:

> On Aug 3, 2009, at 8:33 AM, Jose wrote:
>> I have just tried this in Windows XP(r1153) + python 2.5.x
>> db.define_table('unatabla',
>>   Field('nombre'),
>>   Field('imagen', 'upload'),
>> )
>> The following mistake takes is produced when I do submit:
>> Error traceback
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>> File "E:\web2py2\gluon\restricted.py", line 178, in restricted
>>   exec ccode in environment
>> File "E:/web2py2/applications/prueba/controllers/appadmin.py", line
>> 255, in <module>
>> File "E:\web2py2\gluon\globals.py", line 101, in <lambda>
>>   self._caller = lambda f: f()
>> File "E:/web2py2/applications/prueba/controllers/appadmin.py", line
>> 104, in insert
>>   if form.accepts(request.vars, session):
>> File "E:\web2py2\gluon\sqlhtml.py", line 809, in accepts
>>   if not f:
>> File "E:\Python25\lib\cgi.py", line 633, in __len__
>>   return len(self.keys())
>> File "E:\Python25\lib\cgi.py", line 609, in keys
>>   raise TypeError, "not indexable"
>> TypeError: not indexable
> I took a quick look at the code behind this trace, and I can offer a
> small clue. I don't know enough about what's going on to offer a
> solution, but perhaps it'll ring a bell for someone who understands
> the code better than I do.
> Here's the code in the tree:
>>            elif field.type == 'upload':
>>                f = self.vars[fieldname]
>>                fd = fieldname + '__delete'
>>                if not f:
> This used to be f == ''.
>>                    if self.vars.get(fd, False) or not self.record:
>>                        fields[fieldname] = ''
>>                    else:
>>                        fields[fieldname] = self.record[fieldname]
>>                    continue
>>                elif not isinstance(f, (str, unicode)):
>>                    (source_file, original_filename) = (f.file,
>> f.filename)
>>                else:
>>                    ### do not know why this happens, it should not
> This comment bothers me, and I wonder if it might be related.
>>                    (source_file, original_filename) = \
>>                        (cStringIO.StringIO(f), 'file.txt')
>>                logging.warn('here')
>>                fields[fieldname] = field.store(source_file,
>> original_filename)
>>                logging.warn('there')
>>                if field.uploadfield and not field.uploadfield==True:
>>                    fields[field.uploadfield] = source_file.read()
>>                continue
> In the failing case, f appears to be an instance of FieldStorage, from
> cgi.py. It appears that Python implements "if not f" as "if not
> len(f)". FieldStorage defines __len__ as "len(self.keys()), and that's
> where we run into trouble.
>     def keys(self):
>         """Dictionary style keys() method."""
>         if self.list is None:
>             raise TypeError, "not indexable"
>         keys = []
>         for item in self.list:
>             if item.name not in keys: keys.append(item.name)
>         return keys
> And self.list is None unless one of two things happens:
>         if ctype == 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded':
>             self.read_urlencoded()
>         elif ctype[:10] == 'multipart/':
>             self.read_multi(environ, keep_blank_values,  
> strict_parsing)
>         else:
>             self.read_single()
> Only the first two calls (read_urlencoded() and read_multi()) set
> self.list to a list. Otherwise it's None, and our 'if not f' will be
> sent an exception.
> If this case is expected, or at should be a detectable error
> condition, then perhaps we should catch the exception and treat it as
> a case of 'not f'. Or something. But as I say, I don't really know
> enough about the intent of this code to go any farther.

I see that in 2.6, FieldStorage has a __nonzero__() method that does  
the right thing (and will be used in preference to __len__).

So part of the problem you guys are seeing might be the difference in  
how 2.6 (vs 2.5) handles "if not f".

Anyway, I don't see how the sqlhtml upload logic deals with f being a  
FieldStorage object.

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