On Aug 1, 2009, at 9:48 AM, mdipierro wrote:

> Mind that none of this has anything to do with the ability of an
> attacker to guess the passwords to access a web2py site. This is about
> protecting the users form the administrators who may decrypt their
> hashed passords and access the users's account using their decrypted
> passwords (of an attacker who is already in the system and can act as
> the web2py administrator).  But mind that the administrator does not
> even need to decrypt passwords to access them. He just log
> request.vars.password from the model file to get the login passwords
> before they are encrypted. This is true in web2py and in any other web
> based system.
> I am much more concerned about a different issue: when an attacker
> wants to enter a site and repeatedly guesses the password.
> Perhaps there should be an option in auth that locks accounts after
> many failed logins. We could have another system table to handle that.

How about a default STRONG as well as HMAC? If a developer wants to  
allow weaker passwords, let the burden be in that direction.

An account-locking policy is a good idea. If the table has a  
timestamp, the lock can be temporary, at least initially. Lock the  
account for a n seconds after n failures. Or something like that.

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