On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 13:23, Pynthon<forumx...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello
> I'm following along with your book, great resource! However, when I do
> this (on page: 58 in the PDF version that I bought on 2009-04-24!)
> db.image.id LIKE 'me%' it says "Invalid query'. But what's wrong with
> it?
> Thanks again!

Can you post your code here?
It should be: db.image.id.like('me%') - but it doesn't make sense:
'id' is always an integer field and you are using 'like' to compare it
with a string.
So, what you really want?

 Álvaro Justen
 Peta5 - Telecomunicações e Software Livre
 21 3021-6001 / 9898-0141

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