> If we have a deterministic (1:1) transform t() of the password, then  
> hash(t(password)) is exactly some hash'(password). We've redefined the  
> hash function, and all we have to do is to create a new rainbow table  
> for that function. That is, you can consider any 1:1 pre-hash  
> transform of the password to be part of the hash function itself.  
> Sure, if hash() was md5(), then hash'() will be something else, and  
> you won't be able to take advantage of public rainbow tables. But you  
> can create your own rainbow table for hash'.

I think here is where the source of confusion is, for the record I am
not talking a brute force known hash attack (which incidentally the
"random" salt used in your approach become "known" anyway).

If I read you correctly, you are saying that all you need to do is
generate a custom rainbow table with hash(t(password)) and you'll be
set, what I am saying is that you will have to generate that custom
rainbow table for *each* record you'd like to crack, now my point is
that your approach is exactly the same as the one I said earlier, by
adding a pseudo-random number as the salt, and that salt is 100%
discoverable (deterministic) you are just playing the same game but
with a different ball.

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