Please ask the question on the py4web mailing list and I will provide an 
example there (may need to code it)

On Sunday, 15 December 2024 at 21:28:42 UTC-8 wrote:

> Hello,
> Since web2py is very slow (according to a benchmark I've seen), and py4web 
> is much faster, I'm interested in moving to py4web but I'm not sure how to 
> handle the transition.
> My web2py app is used as a service layer communicating with the JavaScript 
> frontend via json-rpc.
> It uses web2py JWT tokens for auth (sent as Authorization: Bearer <token> 
> header).
> How can I handle the same architecture in py4web?
> I think the same question should be valid for REST services requiring 
> authentication. 
> Basically, something like this:
> myjwt = AuthJWT(auth, secret_key='SecretKey', expiration=3000000)
> @cors_allow
> @catch303
> @myjwt.allows_jwt()
> @auth.requires_login()
> def call():
>     session.forget()
>     return service()
> @service.jsonrpc2
> def create(lesson_id, question, answer, reading, context, weight, 
> examples):
>     card_id = db.card.insert(
>         lesson_id=lesson_id,
>         question=question,
>         answer=answer,
>         reading=reading,
>         context=context,
>         weight=weight,
>         examples=examples
>     )
>     return int(card_id)
> How can I get the token, refresh the token, revoke it, how can I use it to 
> authenticate json-rpc requests (or REST requests for that matter)?

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