Great, and sad news, at the same time. Web2py has been great for us. Time 
to develop new projects in py4web.

On Sunday, October 27, 2024 at 9:32:05 PM UTC-6 Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

> web2py 2.99-beta is out on github. The next release will be 3.0.0.
> What changed:
> - support for python 3 only, tested on 3.11 and 3.12
> - upgraded rocket to the latest rocket3
> - upgraded yatl to the latest 
> - upgraded pydal to the latest specifically the latter dropped support for 
> the Google Datastore but added, limited and experimental, support for 
> Google Firestore
> Please help me test it before release 3.0.0 stable.
> I am not planning further development in web2py (except for bug fixes) 
> since I believe py4web is better but I will continue improve pydal, 
> rocket3, and yatl which are shared between the two projects.
> Massimo

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