Hey everyone

*Open Source Release *

We have released the Python  runtime that powers our SaaS Cloud Development
Platform :


as *OPEN SOURCE and self-hostable Docker* runtimes.

*Where to Find the Code: *

With the Docker image you can easily spin up different Python frameworks,
get SSH access to the container (or build SSH tunnels from the container).
It also spins up an embedded OpenVSCode
<https://github.com/gitpod-io/openvscode-server> instance to get coding

Here is the repo to build your own Docker image:

We publish pre-build images here:

* Feedback & Testimonials*

Please give it a try and let us know your feedback.

We are currently looking for* testimonials and feedback *as we are
seeking *pre-seed
funding* for our Cloud Dev Startup at the same time we want to also give
back to the open source and PY4WEB / WEB2PY community.

Your feedback would mean a lot to us, so that we can do this full time,
enhancing our open source offerings and SaaS offering to make PY4WEB and
WEB2PY development as productive as possible.

Btw our SaaS offering <https://fineupp.com/> for Python and PY4WEB and
WEB2PY has a new* trial period of 3 months* now, an* AI code
assistant* and *secure
code sharing.*

So if you dont want to self host, let us do it for you and get some
additional productivity extras.

We also very much would be interested in feedback on the SaaS offering as

*Caprover Integration*

We also offer Caprover One-Click-App integration for your self hosted
Caprover instance:

Just add this to your Caprover One-Click integration for 3rd party

 https://oneclickapps.fineupp.com <https://oneclickapps.fineupp.com>

[image: image.png]

And then you will see that PY4WEB and WEB2PY are available as

[image: image.png]

Alternatively copy/paste the contents of the attached py4web_caprover.yml
or web2py_caprover.yml into the "TEMPLATE" One Click App.

This installs either PY4WEB or WEB2PY and spins up a Reverse Proxy instance
too, that will give you access to the OpenVSCode instance.

Don't forget to enable HTTPs AND WEBSOCKETS für OpenVSCode to work.

Also the admin interface in WEB2PY can not be authenticated into, if you
dont have HTTPS enabled and you dont come from localhost.

[image: image.png]

*How to run containers locally: Docker Compose*

For easy running and testing of the container locally you find
the docker-compose.yml files in the Github repo.

So git clone the repo, cd into it, rename either the
docker-compose.yml.py4web or docker-compose.yml.web2py to
"docker-compose.yml" and then run "docker compose up".

You have to have Docker and Docker compose installed of course.

You will find the PY4WEB or WEB2PY running on http://localhost:8000 and
OpenVSCode running on http://localhost:3000 then.  SSH Port is set to 2022.
You will see  the PrivatKey in the container log.
User is "websson".

*Whats included:*

The image installs Python 3.12 via MiniForge
<https://github.com/conda-forge/miniforge>, which basically gives you a
full Conda environment with Code-Forge access.

This means you can also install different Python versions in the same
container in super easy and with Conda-Forge access many packages that
usually need to be compiled are able to download binaries from Conda-Forge,
if you like

You can also install using regular PyPi, plus the Pixi
<https://github.com/prefix-dev/pixi> package manager is also available.

When using PyPi and PIP Astrals UV <https://github.com/astral-sh/uv> is
available to install packages that speeds up package installs 100x, but you
can also use regular pip as well.

Supervisor and Valkey (Redis alternative) are embedded for quick Celery
task dev and testing.

NodeJS LTS is also pre-installed in case you want to also develop JS/TS
things, transpile things via Javascript or simply host a Vue,React or
Angular frontend in the same container as your Web2Py or Py4Web instance
and use it as a backend.

All of those things are pre-installed or modifiable by you and all changes
are stored the your home directory.

It's a container, but it basically feels like  developing on a regular
Linux VM.

You can also install additional software and programming languages into
your home directory (which is persisted as docker volume) using
which is embedded in the container as package manager.

You can e.g.  install NodeJS latest or Rust or PHP etc. etc. that way if
needed  via ASDF.

*Additional stuff:*

There is also an NGINX server embedded you could use to offload static
files to.

Additionally a *web terminal *can be started and *JupyterLab* is also easy
to install which can all live happily next to VSCode.

Any questions, how to work with this or feedback, please let us know.

Kevin & John

- http://web2py.com
- http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
- http://github.com/web2py/web2py (Source code)
- https://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/list (Report Issues)
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Attachment: py4web_caprover.yaml
Description: Binary data

Attachment: web2py_caprover.yaml
Description: Binary data

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