Hello everyone,

We (John and I)  would like to invite you to try our Cloud Development
Platform, which we call WEBSSON <https://portal.fineupp.com/websson/>,
which lets you create PY4WEB, WEB2PY and EMMETT environments fully hosted
in the Cloud in a matter of clicks and use a Cloud based developer
workspace for code editing such as with VSCode in one go.

You can of course also create fully hosted databases and other things in
the same environment as well.

We saw the popularity of Pythonanywhere here, but thought we can do
something better and after almost 2 years of development we are finally
ready to do a soft launch / beta programme to get your feedback.

[image: 15_create_env_finish.png]

This is the home page:


Please find the current HowTo to create a PY4WEB environment here:



Videos how to do those things will be uploaded next week here:


Other programming languages and frameworks are also supported (Django,
Flask, FastAPI, Angular, Vue.JS, Laravel, Spring Boot, Ruby on Rails etc.)
and you can also use the programming languages we currently support
(Python, PHP, Java, Node, Ruby)  without a framework pre-installed and
install your own framework.

For example installing Python with a Jupyter notebook or VSCode without a
web framework is also possible in order to create a quick online REPL to
try out some code.

In any case, Python with PY4WEB, WEB2PY and EMMETT are "first class
citizens" here obviously.

Feel free to create a separate Vue.JS project for example though and
connect your Vue.JS project with a PY4WEB backend API for example.

Since this is a *beta* release, you may find some typos or you may even
encounter a bug here and there, please let us know what happened or your
general thoughts.

Other features include:

   - Shell access with the ability to use Conda for custom Python
   interpreter installation and packages available from PyPi and Condaforge.
   Conda is provided via Mamba.

   - This way you can also install your own custom Python framework / API
   if you like.

   - ASDF package manager available to easily add additional
   programming languages or frameworks e.g. Node.JS (e.g.

   - Collaboration / Safe Code Sharing support:

   - You can safely isolate folders that contain your code and share them
   with other developers which will have their VSCode or Jupyter IDEs to work
   with you on a project at the same time without exposing any or your other
   project code. This is also especially useful if you are a professor or

   - Hosted SQL/NoSQL database support

   -  (PostgreSQL, SQlite, MariaDB, MySQL, FerretDB[MongoDB drop in],
   CouchDB, Redis). Redis hosting offering will be replaced with the
   Valkey Redis fork however next week due to the same license restrictions
   introduced that forces us to offer a MongoDB drop in replacement FerretDB.

   - Hosted database admin interfaces such as PHPMyAdmin, PGAdmin,
   RedisCommaner, Mongo Express

   - Internet traffic is unrestricted and not metered (we will likely have
   to meter traffic in the future to scale though). So you can also connect to
   other PaaS databases or APIs as you see fit as well.

   - Hosted VSCode and/or Jupyter notebook with unlimited terminal support

   - SSH access support so you can connect with VSCode or PyCharm desktop
   applications to edit your code or use your own SSH terminal.

   - Ability to add additional HTTP user / password or take your web site

   - Standalone Web terminal

   - Custom Domain(s) support

   - Ability to add additional web workers / instances for scalability with
   the click of a button

   - Ability to define a specific Py4Web / Web2py app as default home page
   / index page

   - 5GB of storage in the lowest tier

You can try everything free of charge as listed with a 30 day free trial.

The lowest tier provides everything listed above on a 5 Euros / Dollars
monthly subscription.

At the moment the only supported hostling location is in Falkenstein /

However, we will be able to support different locations and Cloud Service
Providers down the line. Let us know which locations and / or Cloud
providers would be interesting.

John and I have been rather silent in the last 1-2 years due us working
furious on this and are now excited to the progress we have made so far
with you.

Us being part of the PY4WEB / WEB2PY community means we want to provide
first class support for those frameworks including the EMMETT framework and
thus want to launch our beta with you.

We are also considering to focus on the academic and university use cases
and to further extend the support for safe code sharing and collaboration
at scale.

So we would be especially interested in your feedback around that.

Anyone interested in a close collaboration or wants to try special use
cases or has any interesting ideas, we are all ears.

For those you want to collaborate and get closely involved to do some long
term Beta testing  can obviously expect to use the *service free of
charge. *

The service can also be to be deployed on-premise or we are also open to
create dedicated private Cloud deployments with source code access in both
cases for review or customizations.

There is still a lot of work to be done to fine tune things and testing
before we can do a public release, but your feedback and support will help
us get us there.

We will also be posting updates in new features and improvements in the
various channels.

We have a Discord server here:


A Google Group here:


YouTube Channel:




X / Twitter:


Facebook Group:




- http://web2py.com
- http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
- http://github.com/web2py/web2py (Source code)
- https://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/list (Report Issues)
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