I agree with you. I committed your proposed change to master. Please 
confirm this indeed fixes it and I will make another release.

On Wednesday, 4 October 2023 at 08:26:46 UTC-7 CarlosDB wrote:

> Hello,
> Today, I downloaded web2py from GitHub to start testing a future update. I 
> have several "upload" fields for images, and they have all started to fail.
> After some investigation, I found that this issue started after Pull 
> Request (PR) #2471 (Sanitize Headers) was merged. Link to PR 
> <https://github.com/web2py/web2py/pull/2471/commits/70dd3a950b3517a1e31741a2eebfa85874085686>.
> This PR modifies the file gluon/http.py.
> The following code:
> @cache.action(time_expire=86400)
> def download():
>     return response.download(request, db)
> has stopped working.
> If I remove the line "@cache.action(time_expire=86400)", it works, but 
> that's not a good solution.
> While investigating the root of the problem, I found the issue around line 
> 123 of gluon/http.py. It used to be like this:
>         rheaders = []
>         for k, v in iteritems(headers):
>             if isinstance(v, list):
>                 rheaders += [(k, item) for item in v]
>             else:
>                 rheaders.append((k, v))
>         responder(status, rheaders)
> Now it looks like this:
>         rheaders = []
>         for k, v in iteritems(headers):
>             if isinstance(v, list):
>                 rheaders += [(k, str(item)) for item in v]
>             elif v is not None:
>                 rheaders.append((k, str(v)))
>         responder(status, rheaders)
> The variable "rheaders" contains the HTTP headers, but with these 
> modifications, some values are int or None, but they should be str. For 
> example:
> ('Content-Length', 29563)
> ('Pragma', None)
> ('Content-Length', 29563) should be ('Content-Length', '29563'), and I 
> believe ('Pragma', None) is a deprecated header that should be removed.
> A possible solution could be to revert part of the PR, but I think there 
> might be a better solution.
> The real issue seems to originate from the files gluon/streamer.py and 
> gluon/cache.py. I have commented on the lines that have problems:
> *In gluon/streamer.py, line 127*:
>         # in all the other cases (not 304, not 206, but 200 or error page)
>     if status != 206:
>         enc = request.env.http_accept_encoding
>         if enc and 'gzip' in enc and not 'Content-Encoding' in headers:
>             gzipped = static_file + '.gz'
>             if os.path.isfile(gzipped) and os.path.getmtime(gzipped) >= 
> modified:
>                 static_file = gzipped
>                 fsize = os.path.getsize(gzipped)
>                 headers['Content-Encoding'] = 'gzip'
>                 headers['Vary'] = 'Accept-Encoding'
>         try:
>             stream = open(static_file, 'rb')
>         except IOError as e:
>             # this better not happen when returning an error page ;-)
>             if e.errno in (errno.EISDIR, errno.EACCES):
>                 raise HTTP(403)
>             else:
>                 raise HTTP(404)
>         headers['Content-Length'] = fsize   # should be: 
> headers['Content-Length'] = str(fsize)
> *In gluon/cache.py, line 676:*
>                 if send_headers:
>                     headers = {'Pragma': None,  # Deprecated: This 
> feature is no longer recommended
>                                'Expires': expires,
>                                'Cache-Control': cache_control}
> What is your opinion?
> Best way to solve it? 
> Carlos.

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