hello one and all, i'm using web2py 2.25.1 with uwsgi 2.0.22 which was downloaded and compiled using pip3 under python 3.10.12 under ubuntu 22.04. the nginx is apt installed version 1.18.
with that being said, if i install and run my high calculation / high plotly plot pages about 6 to 12 times, the whole damn system comes to a crash. hard crash. this also seems to be the case under redhat / amazon linux 2023 similar setup and config. so i tried crashing the system under just "python3 web2py.py -i -p 80 --no_gui" and also under "uwsgi --http :80 --chdir /opt/web2py_apps/web2py -w wsgihandler:application" but i could NOT get either to crash. it is only when i nginx daemon it with uwsgi and web2py layered/socketed under nginx that it DOES crash hard. i think i found under the systemctl logs for uwsgi a logging of the crash, or: Oct 16 13:48:30 iquanta.info systemd[1]: uwsgi.service: A process of this unit has been killed by the OOM killer. Oct 16 13:48:30 iquanta.info uwsgi[1264]: [emperor] *** RAGNAROK EVOKED *** Oct 16 13:48:30 iquanta.info uwsgi[1265]: SIGINT/SIGTERM received...killing workers... Oct 16 13:48:30 iquanta.info uwsgi[1264]: Mon Oct 16 13:48:30 2023 - [emperor] stop the uwsgi instance web2py.ini Oct 16 13:48:30 iquanta.info uwsgi[1265]: Mon Oct 16 13:48:30 2023 - received message 0 from emperor Oct 16 13:48:31 iquanta.info uwsgi[1265]: worker 5 buried after 1 seconds Oct 16 13:48:32 iquanta.info uwsgi[1265]: worker 1 buried after 2 seconds Oct 16 13:48:32 iquanta.info uwsgi[1265]: worker 2 buried after 2 seconds Oct 16 13:48:32 iquanta.info uwsgi[1265]: worker 3 buried after 2 seconds Oct 16 13:48:32 iquanta.info uwsgi[1265]: worker 4 buried after 2 seconds Oct 16 13:48:32 iquanta.info uwsgi[1265]: goodbye to uWSGI. Oct 16 13:48:32 iquanta.info uwsgi[1265]: VACUUM: unix socket /run/uwsgi/web2py.sock removed. Oct 16 13:48:33 iquanta.info uwsgi[1264]: Mon Oct 16 13:48:33 2023 - [emperor] removed uwsgi instance web2py.ini Oct 16 13:48:34 iquanta.info uwsgi[1264]: Mon Oct 16 13:48:34 2023 - The Emperor is buried. Oct 16 13:48:34 iquanta.info systemd[1]: uwsgi.service: Failed with result 'oom-kill'. Oct 16 13:48:34 iquanta.info systemd[1]: uwsgi.service: Consumed 10.241s CPU time. Oct 16 13:48:34 iquanta.info systemd[1]: uwsgi.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 1. Oct 16 13:48:34 iquanta.info systemd[1]: Stopped uWSGI Emperor service. Oct 16 13:48:34 iquanta.info systemd[1]: uwsgi.service: Consumed 10.241s CPU time. with not much to say under the nginx logs. so, does anyone know what i can be dealing with? thank you in advance, lucas -- Resources: - http://web2py.com - http://web2py.com/book (Documentation) - http://github.com/web2py/web2py (Source code) - https://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/list (Report Issues) --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "web2py-users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to web2py+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com. To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/web2py/ba486d0e-1e2a-40cb-84a7-e2f41e64d6bbn%40googlegroups.com.