A fantastic job.
Thank you very much.


El domingo, 8 de octubre de 2023 a las 20:59:27 UTC+2, Massimo Di Pierro 

> Hello everybody,
> A new version of web2py, 2.25.1, is out. 
> It contains some bug fixes, #2468 #2468 #2236, http headers sanitization, 
> and fixes this vulenarbility https://jvn.jp/en/jp/JVN80476432/ (to be 
> published soon).
> The vulnerabily does not affect most users. It is only in the optional 
> MessageBoxHandler for logging when using Tkinter. I do know think anybody 
> is was using it.
> I am reviewing some old PRs and I may have another version out today 
> including those fixes as well. Sorry I have been slow but as you know, I am 
> spending more time on py4web than web2py these days. 
> Massimo

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