I was able to get redis working using redis==4.5.1.
The default pip install version was 5.0.0


El jueves, 14 de septiembre de 2023 a las 7:49:11 UTC-5, xgp.l...@gmail.com 

> Hi,
> Im trying to run web2py + python3.11 + uwgi but unable to make it work.
> Seems web2py can't import libraries, when doing the same over a python3 
> prompt it works.
> Example:
> <class 'RuntimeError'> Needs redis library to work 
> try:
> import redis
> from redis.exceptions import WatchError as RWatchError
> from redis.exceptions import ConnectionError as RConnectionError
> except ImportError:
> logger.error("Needs redis library to work")
> raise RuntimeError('Needs redis library to work')
> When running the same commands on a python3 prompt they run without issue.
> Libraries are installed.
> # pip3 list
> redis              5.0.0
> Change uwsgi plugin from python3 to python311 dont have any effect in the 
> output.
> Any ideas,

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