Tried right now.

 extracting: web2py/applications/
 extracting: web2py/site-packages/
max@d11:~/aaa$ cd web2py/
max@d11:~/aaa/web2py$ pyenv local testvenv
(testvenv) max@d11:~/aaa/web2py$ ./ -S welcome
web2py Web Framework
Created by Massimo Di Pierro, Copyright 2007-2023
Version 2.24.1-stable+timestamp.2023.
Database drivers available: sqlite3, imaplib, pymysql
WARNING:web2py:import IPython error; use default python shell
Python 3.7.16 (default, May 28 2023, 09:25:55)
[GCC 10.2.1 20210110] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import requests

Il giorno lun 29 mag 2023 alle ore 15:21 <> ha scritto:

> Interesting
> I had actually put together a little script to setup my environment. The
> difference is that I download the source from the website instead of
> cloning from Github. Wondering if that could be the cause. Here's my entire
> script:
> #!/usr/bin/env bash
> FILE=web2py/
> echo
> echo "Checking for $FILE..."
> if [ -f "$FILE" ];
> then
> echo "..."
> else
> echo "File does not exist."
> wget
> unzip
> rm 2>/dev/null \
> && echo "Deleted" \
> || echo "Unable to delete as does not exist"
> fi
> CONFIGFILE=web2py/applications/init/private/appconfig.ini
> echo
> echo "Checking for $CONFIGFILE..."
> if [ -f "$CONFIGFILE" ];
> then
> echo "..."
> else
> echo "File does not exist. Copying from welcome app..."
> mkdir web2py/applications/init/private
> cp web2py/applications/welcome/private/appconfig.ini
> web2py/applications/init/private
> sleep 2
> fi
> if [ -f "$CONFIGFILE" ];
> then
> echo "Starting server..."
> pipenv run python web2py/ -a pwd -p 7000
> else
> echo "$CONFIGFILE file does not exist."
> On Sunday, May 28, 2023 at 3:04:33 AM UTC-5 Massimiliano wrote:
>> Sorry it's not clear that only the apt stuffs are done as root.
>> Installing pyenv
>> curl | bash
>> and from:
>> pyenv install 3.7.16
>> is all done as normal user.
>> Il giorno dom 28 mag 2023 alle ore 09:55 Massimiliano <>
>> ha scritto:
>>> What I can say i that with pyenv and virtualenv created in pyenv it
>>> works.
>>> Just tried on a new vm with debian 11
>>> Steps:
>>> apt update
>>> apt install curl git
>>> install pyenv:
>>> curl | bash
>>> setup the build environment to build python version, from pyenv docs
>>> <>:
>>> apt install build-essential libssl-dev zlib1g-dev \
>>> libbz2-dev libreadline-dev libsqlite3-dev curl \
>>> libncursesw5-dev xz-utils tk-dev libxml2-dev libxmlsec1-dev libffi-dev
>>> liblzma-dev
>>> Installing python 3.7.16:
>>> pyenv install 3.7.16
>>> wait for the build process...
>>> adding this in .profile
>>> export PYENV_ROOT="$HOME/.pyenv"
>>> command -v pyenv >/dev/null || export PATH="$PYENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH"
>>> eval "$(pyenv init -)"
>>> eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)"
>>> restart the shell or logout...
>>> create an virtual env based on 3.7.16:
>>> pyenv virtualenv 3.7.16 testvenv
>>> getting web2py:
>>> git clone
>>> cd web2py/
>>> git submodule update --init --recursive
>>> Activate the venv:
>>> pyenv local testvenv
>>> pip install requests
>>> (testvenv) max@d11:~/web2py$ ./ -S welcome
>>> web2py Web Framework
>>> Created by Massimo Di Pierro, Copyright 2007-2023
>>> Version 2.24.1-stable+timestamp.2023.
>>> Database drivers available: sqlite3, imaplib, pymysql
>>> WARNING:web2py:import IPython error; use default python shell
>>> Python 3.7.16 (default, May 28 2023, 09:25:55)
>>> [GCC 10.2.1 20210110] on linux
>>> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> (InteractiveConsole)
>>> >>> import requests
>>> >>>
>>> Il giorno dom 28 mag 2023 alle ore 01:25 <
>>>> ha scritto:
>>>> I'm using pipenv to run the virtual environment.
>>>> So I install pyenv first and then python 3.7 with it and set it to the
>>>> default.
>>>> Then I install pipenv so that it uses the python 3.7 as its default.
>>>> Then I activate the virtual environment  with *pipenv shell* and then
>>>> run *python web2py/ -a pwd -p 7000*.
>>>> To get the web2py shell, I run *python web2py/ -S init*
>>>> I pretty much got the same results -- see below
>>>> I actually have. I'm running a virtual environment with Pipenv.
>>>> Noting essentially the same results.
>>>> (t2d) popos@popos2004:~/code/t2d
>>>> $ python web2py/ -S init
>>>> web2py Web Framework
>>>> Created by Massimo Di Pierro, Copyright 2007-2023
>>>> Version 2.22.5-stable+timestamp.2022.
>>>> Database drivers available: sqlite3, imaplib, pymysql
>>>> WARNING:web2py:import IPython error; use default python shell
>>>> Python 3.7.12 (default, Feb 11 2023, 17:19:18)
>>>> [GCC 9.3.0] on linux
>>>> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>>> (InteractiveConsole)
>>>> >>> import sys
>>>> >>> print(sys.path)
>>>> ['', '/home/popos/code/t2d/web2py/site-packages',
>>>> '/home/popos/code/t2d/web2py',
>>>> '/home/popos/code/t2d/web2py/gluon/packages/yatl',
>>>> '/home/popos/code/t2d/web2py/gluon/packages/dal',
>>>> '/home/popos/.pyenv/versions/3.7.12/lib/',
>>>> '/home/popos/.pyenv/versions/3.7.12/lib/python3.7',
>>>> '/home/popos/.pyenv/versions/3.7.12/lib/python3.7/lib-dynload',
>>>> '/home/popos/.local/share/virtualenvs/t2d-ueLDNtkj/lib/python3.7/site-packages']
>>>> >>>
>>>> now exiting InteractiveConsole...
>>>> The site-packages folder has the requests module files in it.
>>>> Able to see it in plain python, but not in web2py shell or the web2py
>>>> app.
>>>> On Saturday, May 27, 2023 at 11:59:18 AM UTC-5 Massimiliano wrote:
>>>> Yes it's a virtualenv also mine.
>>>> How do you start web2py and how do you set your virtual env for web2py?
>>>> pyenv local yourenv
>>>> or what?
>>>> Another thing. has #!/usr/bin/env python shebang so it knows
>>>> what python to use.
>>>> Have you tried to launch
>>>> ./ -S
>>>> instead of
>>>> python
>>>> as last test you can try to call web2py with the full path of your
>>>> virtualenv:
>>>> <your pyenv path>/.pyenv/versions/<your venv>/bin/python -S
>>>> <yourapp>
>>>> Il giorno sab 27 mag 2023 alle ore 18:12 Tom Clerckx <>
>>>> ha scritto:
>>>> With pyenv itself it goes OK, it's only when using a pyenv-virtualenv
>>>> that things fail.
>>>> I tried on two different machines.
>>>> Newly created pyenv (3.10.6)
>>>> Newly  created virtualenv
>>>> Newly unzipped web2py directory (2.24.1)
>>>> Same result.
>>>> When launching the web2py-shell in the virtualenv, the import fails.
>>>> Have you also tried with a virtualenv?
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Tom.
>>>> On Saturday, May 27, 2023 at 2:38:28 PM UTC+2 Massimiliano wrote:
>>>> I'm also using pyenv and having the same paths order, ma importing
>>>> requests is working with no problem, on macos and on linux.
>>>> Have you already tried to get rid of all pyc files and or to uninstall
>>>> and reinstall requests?
>>>> Il giorno sab 27 mag 2023 alle ore 14:20 Tom Clerckx <>
>>>> ha scritto:
>>>> See below. In both tests the requests library is in the last element of
>>>> the path.
>>>> TEST1, plain python shell - import OK
>>>> (test) tclerckx@stark:~/temp/test$ python
>>>> Python 3.10.6 (main, Jan 14 2023, 23:48:13) [GCC 11.3.0] on linux
>>>> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>>> >>> import requests
>>>> >>> requests.__file__
>>>> '/home/tclerckx/.pyenv/versions/test/lib/python3.10/site-packages/requests/'
>>>> >>> import sys
>>>> >>> sys.path
>>>> ['', '/home/tclerckx/.pyenv/versions/3.10.6/lib/',
>>>> '/home/tclerckx/.pyenv/versions/3.10.6/lib/python3.10',
>>>> '/home/tclerckx/.pyenv/versions/3.10.6/lib/python3.10/lib-dynload',
>>>> '/home/tclerckx/.pyenv/versions/test/lib/python3.10/site-packages']
>>>> >>>
>>>> TEST2, python web2py shell - import FAILS
>>>> (test) tclerckx@stark:~/temp/test/web2py$ python -S welcome
>>>> -M
>>>> web2py Web Framework
>>>> Created by Massimo Di Pierro, Copyright 2007-2023
>>>> Version 2.24.1-stable+timestamp.2023.
>>>> Database drivers available: sqlite3, imaplib, pymysql
>>>> WARNING:web2py:import IPython error; use default python shell
>>>> Python 3.10.6 (main, Jan 14 2023, 23:48:13) [GCC 11.3.0] on linux
>>>> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>>> (InteractiveConsole)
>>>> >>> import requests
>>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>>   File "/home/tclerckx/temp/test/web2py/gluon/", line
>>>> 78, in custom_importer
>>>>     result = sys.modules[modules_prefix]
>>>> KeyError: 'applications.welcome.modules.requests'
>>>> During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
>>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>>   File "<console>", line 1, in <module>
>>>>   File "/home/tclerckx/temp/test/web2py/gluon/", line
>>>> 80, in custom_importer
>>>>     raise ImportError("No module named %s" % modules_prefix)
>>>> ImportError: No module named applications.welcome.modules.requests
>>>> >>> import sys
>>>> >>> sys.path
>>>> ['', '/home/tclerckx/temp/test/web2py/site-packages',
>>>> '/home/tclerckx/temp/test/web2py',
>>>> '/home/tclerckx/temp/test/web2py/gluon/packages/yatl',
>>>> '/home/tclerckx/temp/test/web2py/gluon/packages/dal',
>>>> '/home/tclerckx/.pyenv/versions/3.10.6/lib/',
>>>> '/home/tclerckx/.pyenv/versions/3.10.6/lib/python3.10',
>>>> '/home/tclerckx/.pyenv/versions/3.10.6/lib/python3.10/lib-dynload',
>>>> '/home/tclerckx/.pyenv/versions/test/lib/python3.10/site-packages']
>>>> >>>
>>>> On Saturday, May 27, 2023 at 12:11:19 PM UTC+2 Massimiliano wrote:
>>>> Maybe one thing you can do is to launch web2py shell and check paths.
>>>> ./ -S <your-app-name>
>>>> import sys
>>>> print(sys.path)
>>>> Il giorno ven 26 mag 2023 alle ore 16:02 <
>>>>> ha scritto:
>>>> <>
>>>> Asked this one on SO here
>>>> <>
>>>> as I was just reminded of how much nicer this community tends to be to newb
>>>> questions.
>>>> I'm attempting to integrate MSAL which requires the requests module.
>>>> I'm running python 3.7 on Linux and using pipenv to manage the
>>>> environment. I'm also using web2py 2.24.1 from source (as in I download the
>>>> web2py framework via the source button on the web2py website).
>>>> When I am in pipenv shell and go into the python shell, I can access
>>>> the requests, however when I try to access it from web2py (running in same
>>>> shell), I get the "module not found" error.
>>>> When I check the site-packages folder the requests packages is present.
>>>> I have checked the pythonpath and seen that the path from the virtual
>>>> environment is present.
>>>> When attempting to load the web2py python shell, it gives the same
>>>> error.
>>>> I'm probably missing something, but it sometimes appears as if web2py
>>>> does some code compilation and then uses the compiled stuff and ignores
>>>> code changes after a certain point. Asking as I have commented out all the
>>>> code involving the requests module in an effort to get the web2py shell
>>>> working, but still get the error and now the entire app is not working even
>>>> on the master branch which was previously working.
>>>> Not sure what to try next. Any ideas are appreciated.
>>>> --
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>>>> .
>>>> --
>>>> Massimiliano
>>>> --
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>>>> .
>>>> --
>>>> Massimiliano
>>>> --
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>>>> ---
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>>>> .
>>>> --
>>>> Massimiliano
>>>> --
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>>>> ---
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>>>> .
>>> --
>>> Massimiliano
>> --
>> Massimiliano
> --
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> -
> - (Documentation)
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