Use *notnul=True* in Field constructor.
On Saturday, April 2, 2022 at 11:59:19 AM UTC+5:30 wrote:

> (The following appends 2 previous posts that are still under review:)
> So here's additional info on the empty-field issue I'm having after 
> updating my web2py apps to version 2.22.3. The problem first noticed was 
> that records containing empty fields,* in NEW or UPDATED records only*, 
> display "None" in the empty fields, when displayed in my views or in 
> appadmin.html. Previously empty fields appeared blank, as is preferred. 
> Existing records still display empty fields as blank.
> After examining the data in an SQLite DB browser, I now see that new or 
> edited records have inserted "NULL" in the empty fields, while old records 
> still have blanks. I think I read somewhere that this may be related to 
> Python behavior; my apps are still running on Python 2.7.12.
> Another strange behavior I've discovered is that a field containing 
> "NULL" (and displaying as "None") does not evaluate properly in an 
> expression such as:
> sppa = db(db.specimen.type_status<>('Test')).select(
> )
> return dict(sppa=sppa)
> In the above example, since a type_status field containing "NULL" is not 
> equal to "Test", the row should appear in the displayed table---but it does 
> not appear.
> Unfortunately, I am stuck and cannot add or edit any records in my apps 
> until I get this sorted. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> For context, see the default app at 
> Thanks,
> Rick

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