I didnt because the problem was not in that table.
I was looking to the wrong table.
Thk u

Kevin Keller <keller...@gmail.com> escreveu em seg., 15/02/2021 às 18:58 :

> How did you solve it?
> On Mon, Feb 15, 2021, 17:33 António Ramos <ramstei...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thank you Jim but i found the problem.
>> My fault this time.
>> Thank you again.
>> PS. Its just me or this forum is abandoned? Should i go elsewhere for
>> help ?
>> Em seg., 15 de fev. de 2021 às 15:46, António Ramos <ramstei...@gmail.com>
>> escreveu:
>>> Hi Jim
>>> Sorry but dont understand your suggestion.
>>> You mean auth.requires_login() on my restful function like this
>>> @auth.requires_login() ?????
>>> @request.restful()
>>> def uploadInvoice():
>>> Does it make sense? Its going to be called by external script.
>>> Inside my  uploadInvoice i have
>>> user = auth.login_bare("myuser", "pwd") and i can check that it returns
>>> the myuser ID. so before inserting a record it should know who the user is.
>>> I also have this code that i suspect that could get auth.signature in
>>> trouble.
>>> Please comment .
>>> db.entities._after_update.append(lambda s, f
>>> : wfFields().update_readers(db, 'entities', s, f))
>>> db.entities._after_update.append(lambda s, f
>>> : wfFields().update_authors(db, 'entities', s, f))
>>> db.entities._after_update.append(lambda s, f: extrafields_sync(s, f))
>>> db.entities._after_insert.append(lambda f, id: extrafields_sync(db(
>>> db.entities.id==id), f))
>>> Em seg., 15 de fev. de 2021 às 15:33, Jim S <ato.st...@gmail.com>
>>> escreveu:
>>>> Have you tried with an auth decorator?  Maybe auth.requires_login()?
>>>> -Jim
>>>> On Saturday, February 13, 2021 at 3:33:01 PM UTC-6 Ramos wrote:
>>>>> Anybody here?
>>>>> Em sex., 12 de fev. de 2021 às 23:57, António Ramos <
>>>>> ramst...@gmail.com> escreveu:
>>>>>> hello this is my model
>>>>>> db.define_table(
>>>>>>     'entities',
>>>>>>     Field('uuid', length=64, default=lambda: str(uuid.uuid4())),
>>>>>>     Field('entity', 'string',length=70,required=True, label=T(
>>>>>> "Entity")),
>>>>>>     Field('description', length=100,label=T("Description"), default=
>>>>>> ""),
>>>>>>     Field('status', db.status),
>>>>>>     Field('type', 'reference dbentities', label=T("Type")),
>>>>>>     Field('sub_type', "reference subtypes", label=T("Type")),
>>>>>>     Field('event','string',length=10),
>>>>>>     Field('trailevent', 'list:integer'),
>>>>>>     Field("last_error", default=""),
>>>>>>     Field('extrareaders', 'list:reference auth_user'),
>>>>>>     Field('extrafield', db.extrafields, requires=IS_EMPTY_OR(
>>>>>>         IS_IN_DB(db, 'extrafields.id', '%(extrafield)s'))),
>>>>>>     Field('relatedto', 'reference entities', requires=IS_EMPTY_OR(
>>>>>>         IS_IN_DB(db, 'entities.id', '%(entity)s'))),
>>>>>>     Field('file', 'upload', label="Ficheiro"),
>>>>>>     Field('valstart', 'date', label="Válido de",
>>>>>>           default=datetime.datetime.utcnow()),
>>>>>>     Field('valend', 'date', label="Válido até",
>>>>>>           default=datetime.datetime.utcnow()),
>>>>>>     Field('orderedat', 'float'),
>>>>>>     Field('question','string'),
>>>>>>     Field('qt','double'),
>>>>>>     Field('units','string',length=5),
>>>>>>     Field('readers', 'list:string', default=[""]),#friend uuid
>>>>>>     Field('details','json'),
>>>>>>     auth.signature,
>>>>>>     format='%(type)s %(entity)s',
>>>>>> )
>>>>>> I have auth.signature but  this code
>>>>>> @request.restful()
>>>>>> def uploadInvoice():
>>>>>>     import random
>>>>>>     import string
>>>>>>     response.view = 'generic.json'
>>>>>>     def POST(*args, **kw):
>>>>>>         try:
>>>>>>             user = auth.login_bare("userxxx", "xxxx") # so it has a
>>>>>> user
>>>>>>             uploaded_file = kw['file']
>>>>>>             filename =
>>>>>>  db.entities.file.store(uploaded_file, uploaded_file.filename)
>>>>>>             id = db.entities.insert(
>>>>>>                 entity="Invoice",
>>>>>>                 type=db.dbentities(entity="Invoice")["id"],
>>>>>>                 status=DBTools().setStatus(db,"Draft", "Invoice"),
>>>>>>                 file=filename,
>>>>>>                 created_by=4, # even with this line it saves as None
>>>>>>                 modified_by=4, # even with this line it saves as None
>>>>>>                 description="")
>>>>>>             if id:
>>>>>>                 eventid = db.events.insert(
>>>>>>                     event="Invoice", relatedto=id,  type=
>>>>>> "Document added", receipts={},linktodoc=id
>>>>>>                 )
>>>>>>                 db.entities[id]=dict(event=eventid)
>>>>>>             return "ok"
>>>>>>         except Exception as e:
>>>>>>             raise Exception('Error on line {}{}{}'.format(
>>>>>>                 sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno, str(e), request.vars))
>>>>>>     return locals()
>>>>>> does not fills the created_by and modified_by field. They have None
>>>>>> Any help ???
>>>>>> Regards
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