On Monday, January 25, 2021 at 6:36:23 PM UTC-8 Dave S wrote:

> Porting another (personal) application from my old 2.14.6 environment to 
> 2.21.1., and copied both the table files and storage.sqlite from the old 
> application.  Index page works, but another page which displays a sorted 
> list doesn't.
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File 
> "C:\Users\Dave\web2py_win\web2py_win_2.21.1_py27\web2py\gluon\restricted.py", 
> line 219, in restricted
> exec(ccode, environment)
> File 
> "C:\Users\Dave\web2py_win\web2py_win_2.21.1_py27\web2py\applications\QuarterMaster\views\default/sortedQ.html",
> line 77, in <module>
> File 
> "C:\Users\Dave\web2py_win\web2py_win_2.21.1_py27\web2py\gluon\sqlhtml.py", 
> line 3544, in __init__
> "Column %s not found (SQLTABLE)" % colname)
> KeyError: 'Column QuarterMaster.IssueYr not found (SQLTABLE)' 
> A cmd window running sqlite.exe verifies the schema of the table is 
> correct in the db (as expected), and entries made from the index page are 
> showing up.
> I delete the table files, set fake_migrate_all = True, and ... lather, 
> rinse .. index works, the table list doesn't, same exception.  And the 
> table files don't get created.
> Add migrate=True to the table definition ... lather, rinse. prior videre.
> Change "fake_migrate_all=True to migrate=False,fake_migrate=True ... 
> lather, rinse, p.v.
> Is this a 2.21.1 issue, or have I rejoined those who bungle migrations?
No suggestions?

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