> An interesting routine, but I just use PIL's thumbnail() method.  Could 
you explain the advantages of your routine? 
I've no idea. I've followed an example years ago and I'm still working like 

Can you post here and example of how do you use the PIL's thumbnail() 
Il giorno sabato 7 novembre 2020 alle 23:35:43 UTC+1 snide...@gmail.com ha 

> On Sunday, November 1, 2020 at 1:46:51 PM UTC-8, Gaël Princivalle wrote:
>> I've found that in this function the upload folder was without a '/' at 
>> the beginning.
>> On Webfaction it was working fine, on Opalstack no.
>> I think it's due more to the Web2py version than to the hosting.
>> On Webfaction I've PIL (not Pillow) Python 2.7.5 with Web2py 2.14.6. and 
>> it works fine.
>> On Opalstack I've Pillow Python 2.7.5 with Web2py 2.20.4.
>> Anyway I've updated 'upload/' to '/upload/' and it works.
>> If it could be useful for someone else, as this SMARTHUMB function has 
>> been shared here.
>> def SMARTHUMB(image, box, fit=False, name="thumb"):
>>     #Downsample the image.
>>     #@param img: Image -  an Image-object
>>     #@param box: tuple(x, y) - the bounding box of the result image
>>     #@param fit: boolean - crop the image to fill the box
>>     if image:
>>         request = current.request
>>         img = Image.open(request.folder +* 'uploads/'* + image)
>>         #preresize image with factor 2, 4, 8 and fast algorithm
>>         factor = 1
>>         while img.size[0] / factor > 2 * box[0] and img.size[1] * 2 / 
>> factor > 2 * box[1]:
>>             factor *= 2
>>         if factor > 1:
>>             img.thumbnail((img.size[0] / factor, img.size[1] / factor), 
>> Image.NEAREST)
>>         #calculate the cropping box and get the cropped part
>>         if fit:
>>             x1 = y1 = 0
>>             x2, y2 = img.size
>>             wRatio = 1.0 * x2 / box[0]
>>             hRatio = 1.0 * y2 / box[1]
>>             if hRatio > wRatio:
>>                 y1 = int(y2 / 2 - box[1] * wRatio / 2)
>>                 y2 = int(y2 / 2 + box[1] * wRatio / 2)
>>             else:
>>                 x1 = int(x2 / 2 - box[0] * hRatio / 2)
>>                 x2 = int(x2 / 2 + box[0] * hRatio / 2)
>>             img = img.crop((x1, y1, x2, y2))
>>         #Resize the image with best quality algorithm ANTI-ALIAS
>>         img.thumbnail(box, Image.ANTIALIAS)
>>         root, ext = os.path.splitext(image)
>>         thumb = '%s_%s%s' % (root, name, ext)
>>         img.save(request.folder +  *'uploads/'* + thumb)
>>         return thumb
> An interesting routine, but I just use PIL's thumbnail() method.  Could 
> you explain the advantages of your routine?
> /dps

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