On Monday, 26 October 2020 01:55:05 UTC, Carlos A wrote:
> Try this:
> cd ~/apps/yourapp
> source env/bin/activate
> cd web2py/
> python -c "from gluon.main import save_password; 
> save_password(raw_input('admin password: '), <port_assigned_to_your_app>)"
> Note: You can find your assigned port with the command  "ls"  inside of 
> the web2py path and looking for the file:  
>  parameters_<port_assigned_to_your_app>.py
Yep, that works and sets the password using a pbkdf2 hash which is web2py 
default.  Quick note for anyone following: if using py3 then raw_input 
above becomes just input.

Also, given the original thread title, noting here that they have created 
WF migration scripts to move databases, sites, etc. over.   See: 

Lots of other useful info on their forums, especially the tutorial 
section:  https://community.opalstack.com/

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