What is the value of rowsconlab immediately following the executesql 
statement for id 1910 and for one that works?


On Friday, October 16, 2020 at 7:03:49 AM UTC-5, T.R.Rajkumar wrote:
>>    - 
>>    I get this error for a particular amcid = 1910, for others it is 
>>    working ok. What might be the problem. The sp
>>    usr_getconlabqty_amc_new is indeed returning row from db when checked 
>>    in the backend. please elucidate.
>> Actually the code is working fine, but for a particular id 1910 it 
> reports error None cannot be iterated. The database does return the result 
> but in dal/base.py as_dict check function the variable columns is not 
> intialized as the execulte sql is returning None, I think so. But for all 
> other amcids it is working fine. How to debug this. 

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