On Wednesday, 14 October 2020 15:43:05 UTC+1, hyan...@googlemail.com wrote:
> I'm creating my own bespoke 404 / 400 error page by editing routes.py like 
> this:
> routes_onerror = [('app/400', '/app/default/custom_400.html')]
> and I have 2 questions: 
> 1) The custom_400 page is displayed when from within a controller, I call 
> e.g. 
> raise HTTP(400, "my error message text")
> How do I access/display the error message text within my custom_400.html 
> page?
> 2) If it is is not an HTML view which is being called, but a JSON view, I 
> want to return a JSON page instead which, for example, reads {"error":"my 
> error message text"}. How do I do that? Can I just create a 
> custom_400.json view, and remove the .html from my line in routes.py?
If I remember correctly, the message in your point 1) will only display if 
you do not have a custom page.... it overrides the default plain http error 
code text that web2py produces.
As to point 2) which may help you solve point 1) as well, I think you may 
need to use dynamic error pages.

For example, I have a controller called 'errors' that looks like this:
def error_404():
    """ Dynamic 404 error page... receives 
        <Storage {'ticket': 'None',
                  'code': '404',
                  'request_url': '/the_url',
                  'requested_uri': 'the_full_uri'}>
    # Set response code to original error, otherwise it will be 302.
    response.status = 404

    is_property = '/propert' in request.vars.requested_uri.lower()

    if is_property:
        return response.render('errors/error_404_property.html', {})  # 
This is an ordinary view so pass variables in the dict as 2nd parameter.
        return response.render('errors/error_404_general.html', {})

Then I have two (normal) views in /applications/myapp/views/errors that 
correspond to the two views used above with different messages.

In routes.py:

    routes_onerror = [
            (r'*/400', r'/static/400.html'),    # bad request
            (r'*/403', r'/static/403.html'),    # forbidden
            (r'*/404', r'/errors/error_404'),    # DYNAMIC - not found page

Having said all that, to return json on 400 error, I would test whether 
this works for you:

No views need to be created. In the errors controller, in the function you 
create, just return dict(error='my err message')    In routes_onerror, 
try:  ('app/400', '/app/default/custom_400.json').  Web2py's automatic json 
conversion should kick in and return the json if all goes well.  Remember 
to restart your app each time you change anything in routes.py.

for how the .json extension should automatically work.


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