Hey Jim, I'm failing to understand the scheduler, please if its not a 
bother simplify it for me. In my script below I wanna send users who host 
stuff on my site emails when their subscription is left with 7 days to 
expire. Ideally twice a week for these 7 days. I'm hosting my app with 
pythonanywhere. How do i put it together?


*import datetimedef email_reminder():    dt=db(db.house_owner).select()    
for dt in dt:            
now_dt2=now_dt.days            new_con=dt.controller+1            if 
now_dt2 <= 7:                mail.send(to=dt.email_address,subject="House 
Hosting Reminder",message ='Hello %s %s, \nThis is a reminder that your 
house listing with our service will expire in %d days. \nTo increase your 
suscription time or for further details please contact us at the given 
details.\n\nBest regards;' % (dt.Name, dt.Surname, now_dt2))                

*Regards;              *

On Tuesday, September 1, 2020 at 4:02:42 PM UTC+2 Jim S wrote:

> The web2py scheduler pretty much is a background task that runs 
> unnoticed.  
> I use it in a number of places to queue hundreds or thousands of outbound 
> emails.  I like the scheduler because it then also servers as a log of the 
> emails that were sent.
> If that isn't what you're looking for then how about celery or 
> redis-queue?  But, they are a bother because then you have more services 
> you need to grok, start up and manage.  The web2py scheduler takes care of 
> all of that for you.  Let me know if you want to see a sample of how we 
> handle it.
> -Jim
> On Tuesday, September 1, 2020 at 8:41:27 AM UTC-5, mostwanted wrote:
>> Is there a way to have a function always running without having to use a 
>> scheduler?
>> I have a function that i want to always send emails based on its 
>> arguments & conditions but i want it to run in the background unnoticed 
>> like a worker but not run by a scheduler, is this possible? I hope my 
>> question is clear.
>> Regards;
>> Mostwanted 

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