Thanks Villas. That's encouraging.

On Tue, 11 Aug 2020, 2:17 am villas, <> wrote:
> In the absence of other replies...
> Massimo has mentioned (in the py4web group)
> <> that he
> knows generally that many developers are using Visual Studio remotely and
> it is a very good set up, so he strongly recommends it.
> This seems consistent with your experience so I suggest you should
> continue to go with it.
> I use VS locally with web2py and like it,  so I'm thinking to do the same.
> On Friday, 7 August 2020 06:45:16 UTC+1, AGRogers wrote:
>> Hi
>> Has anyone used this sort of config before with web2py? That is, VSC
>> connecting via SSH to a remote server (Google Cloud Debian VM for me) and
>> then being able to debug an app on the remote system.
>> I am getting ready to deploy my app for the first time and have been
>> somewhat fearful that if there is some weird bug I will never be able to
>> track it down without being able to debug on that system.
>> So i stumbled onto this
>> which seems
>> really cool - you can run python apps on a remote server and debug it like
>> it was on the localhost.
>> So i got a Google Cloud server installed and got VSC talking to it fine
>> and debugged a one line python 'app'. So that was neat.
>> But I am not sure where to start with web2py in this environment. I
>> havent tried very hard yet though.
>> Can anyone tell me i am wasting my time or that it works great?
>> Thanks
>> Andrew
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