On Thursday, July 16, 2020 at 3:30:47 PM UTC-7, Paul Ellis wrote:
> the situation is that I have permissions associated with auth_groups. 
> eg. user, team leader, business leader, oversight
> now I need a "secretary" or "accounts" group which has access to some 
> business leader features i.e reports.
> Some team leader features ie. price maintainence.
> But does not have access to the basic features of normal users.
> I can't see how to make an auth_group which has permissions which are 
> already associated with another group.
> I am hoping for a solution which does not involve hard coding access to 
> these features using @auth.has_membership('accounts') as I don't expect 
> this to be last case of overlapping permissions.
> Ideally I can make an interface where business leaders can make a custom 
> permission group and assign it to their employees. Without creating a 
> situation where each new employee needs to have a permission allocated for 
> every little thing.
> i.e. customer maintenence, customer delete, product related permissions, 
> product permissions where special knowledge is required...
> Is this possible with the Web2py Auth System?

I'd look at
especially the middle of the section where the use of callables is 

and also look at the next section

I think what you want is for your decorator to have something like
@auth.requires(auth.has_membership(group_of_bosses) or 
for the controller function that handles updating catalogs.
I would define the basic roles in a narrow fashion, and then grant more 
privileges to the boss.


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