You don't mention...

   - Which DB adapter you are using
   - Why just one of your tables is expected to be an in-memory table and 
   the others not
   - Why you don't simply maintain the list of tables in a list(), or 
   dict() or some other in-memory structure
In any case, maybe this idea might help...

db = DAL("sqlite://storage.sqlite") # or whichever DB you are using
dbmemo = DAL("sqlite:memory")

dbmemo.define_table('DatabaseModel', Field('TableName'))

for t in db.tables:

On Wednesday, 15 July 2020 07:45:36 UTC+1, Andrew Rogers wrote:
> This code working fine but now it fails because the db.define_table() 
> returns None.
> table = db.define_table('DatabaseModel', Field('TableName'))  # This is 
> not working now
> for t in db.tables:
>     table.update_or_insert(TableName=t)
> The only thing that I think I have changed that might have affected it was 
> setting migrate = false in appconfig.ini. I have changed it back but to 
> no avail. 
> What could stop db.define_table from returning a table?
> (I am using this to create an in-memory table which I populate with a list 
> of actual tables.)
> Thanks.
> PS: 

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