2009/7/23 Alex Fanjul <alex.fan...@gmail.com>:
> NameError: global name 'A' is not defined
> Do I have to import gluon in the module? how?
> My view code is like this:
>  {{from helpers import pagenav as pagenav}}

I didn't write the helpers module & I don't use it in the same way
that post does.
(I define a variant thereof in my model rather than a module, although
the module would be more efficient since it shouldn't ever be called
now unless ppl have javascript disabled)

If modules call gluon functions, then yes, they need to be imported
within that module.
This should fix that error, although there may be other parts you need
to import as well:
from gluon.http import *

> Another question: could you give me an example to call shn_rest_controller??

Very simple ;)
def shelter():
    return shn_rest_controller(module, 'shelter')

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