
I use this code to solve this problem:
result = json.dumps(result, indent=4, sort_keys=True, default=str)

Don't know what it does but it solves my problem.

I found it here:

On Wed, 17 Jun 2020 at 23:41, Pierre <pcg...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Gooday,
> In the controler the function works correctly.  But as a task, it gives an
> error about Json not beeing able to deal with datetime.
> any suggestion would be appreciated :)
> here is the error :  TypeError: datetime.datetime(2020, 6, 16, 5, 17, 49)
> is not JSON serializable
> here is the code:
> #reload(sys)
> #sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8')
> import sys
> import os
> import time
> import datetime
> import sqlite3
> #
> #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> def pump_most_recent():
>     state = 'unknown'
>     try:
>         conn=sqlite3.connect('z:/alarm.sqlite')
>     except sqlite3.Error as err:
>         state = err # ='connexion impossible'
>     else:
>         state = 'connection ok'
>     #   last entry in the local storage is kept in the acue table, have to
> get this in order to query the prod databases
>         k = db(db.acue).select(db.acue.dstd2) # get the row
>         l = k[0].dstd2                        # get the date of interest
>         curs=conn.cursor()
>         rows = curs.execute("select * from log_txt where date > ?",
> (l,)).fetchall()
>         curs.close()
>         conn.close()
>     #
>         for row in rows:
>             a = datetime.datetime.strptime(row[1],'%Y-%m-%d : %H:%M:%S') #
> date avec le temps
>             b = row[2]
>             c = row[3]
>             d = row[4]
>             e = row[5]
>             f = row[6]
>             g = row[7]
>             h = row[8]
>             i = row[9]
>             j = row[10]
>     #
> db.alogs.insert(quand=a,etat=b,zone1=c,zone2=d,zone3=e,zone4=f,zone5=g,zone6=h,zone7=i,note=j)
>     finally:
>         return locals()
> #
> #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> #
> def acue_src_dst_update():
> #
>     z = acue_src_dst_show()
>     a = z.get('a')
>     b = z.get('b')
>     c = z.get('c')
>     d = z.get('d')
> #
>     db.acue.truncate()
>     db.acue.insert(srcd1=a,srcd2=b,dstd1=c, dstd2=d)
>     acue_after_update = db(db.acue).select()
> #
>     return locals()
> #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> from gluon.scheduler import Scheduler
> Scheduler(db,dict(sync_data=pump_most_recent,sync_dates=acue_src_dst_update))
> --
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