On Thursday, June 11, 2020 at 8:55:16 AM UTC-7, mostwanted wrote:
> I have 2 tables one table references the other table.
> db.define_table('store_registration',
>                 Field('first_name', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
>                 Field('last_name', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
>                 Field('contact_number', label=SPAN('Cell Number'), 
> requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
>                 Field('id_number', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
>                 Field('program', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
>                 Field('level_is', label=SPAN('Level'), requires=
>                 Field('module_is', label=SPAN('Module'), requires=
>                 Field('branch', label=SPAN('Branch'), requires=
>                 Field('residential_place', label=SPAN('Residence'), 
> requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
>                 Field('region', 'reference auth_group', default=get_group
> (), writable=False), #*Here*
>                 Field('recorded_by', 'reference auth_user', default=auth.
> user_id, writable=False),
>                 format="%(first_name)s %(last_name)s"
>                )
> db.define_table('temperatures',
>                 Field('employee', 'reference store_registration', writable
> =False),
>                 Field('branch', 'reference store_registration', writable=
> False),
>                 Field('temperature', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
>                 Field('ID_No', 'reference store_registration', writable=
> False),
>                 Field('Cell_No', 'reference store_registration', writable=
> False),
>                 Field('residential', 'reference store_registration', 
> writable=False))
> I am trying to have the referenced fields pre-populated with their default 
> values in a table form so that I don't have to populate them manually like 
> this: 
> def client_details():
>     details=db.store_registration(request.args(0, cast=int))
>     db.temperatures.employee.default=details.id
>     db.temperatures.ID_No.default=details.id_number
>     db.temperatures.Cell_No.default=details.contact_number
>     db.temperatures.branch.default=details.branch
>     db.temperatures.residential.default=details.residential_place
>     form=SQLFORM(db.temperatures)
>     if form.process().accepted:
>         response.flash=T('Temp Recorded')
>     return locals()
> But this gives me an error: 
> <type 'exceptions.ValueError'> invalid literal for long() with base 10:
> I read somewhere that this occurs because 
> *reference fields are intended to store the integer record ID's of the 
> referenced records, not copies of string fields from referenced records*
> *.* 
> Is there a way I can achieve my above task without causing this error?!
> Regards;
> Mostwanted

I think you want to use an inner join.
and to have just one field referencing the other table (a "points_to" 


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