Thanks Dave and Val 
It's perfect !!
Web2py forever

Le mardi 2 juin 2020 23:57:31 UTC+2, Nicolas Hiblot a écrit :
> Hello All, 
> I have read a lot of cases and uses cases about web2py users. 
> But my case is a little différent ; 
> I would like to 
> *List | Create  | Modify and Delete Users directly from Python controller 
> without using HMI*
> My user db is always the same 
> login 1 is user0
> login 2 is user1
> and I can have a lot of users but user0 and user1 are always here 
> 1) List all users by id and username *without* user0 and user1 
> *    try :        listusers = db(db.auth.............        if 
> len(listusers) == 0:    except Exception as e:        listusers = []*
> 2) Create a user *with a mail / login / and Password* directly using 
> python method in the controller with the db (without the GUI) 
> 3) *Modify a password of an already created user* directly using python 
> method in the controller with the db (without the gui) 
> Note : I have already the id and/or the username of the user 
> 4) *Delete an already created user* directly using python method  in the 
> controller with the db (without the gui) 
> Note : I have already the id and/or the username of the user 
> Thanks in advance 
> Regards
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