I got a bit further solving this issue adjusting web2py-bootstrap4.js

$(function() {
    $(".navbar-nav ul.dropdown-menu").each(function() {
      var toggle = jQuery(this).parent();
      if (toggle.parent().hasClass("navbar-nav")) {
        toggle.attr("data-w2pmenulevel", "l0")
        toggle.addClass("nav-item dropdown");
          .addClass("nav-link dropdown-toggle")
          .append('<span class="caret"> </span>')
          .attr("data-toggle", "dropdown");
        var element = jQuery(this).children();
      } else {

These adjustments render the following menu:

> <ul class="navbar-nav">
>     <li class="nav-item web2py-menu-first"><a class="nav-link"></a></li>
>     <li class="dropdown nav-item" data-w2pmenulevel></li>
>         <a class="nav-link dropdown-toggle"></a>
>         <div class="dropdown-menu">
>             <a class="dropdown-item"></a>
>         </div>
>     </li>
> </ul>

The issue left is the bit in red, I haven't been able to figure out how to 
add the
class to the A element.

Furthermore I don't understand why web2py reverses the order of the bit in 
no matter the order in which I write the code, I always get class="dropdown 
instead of class="nav-item dropdown"

I hope anyone can help me solve the last bit of this problem.

Kind regards,


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