On Wednesday, May 20, 2020 at 6:03:34 AM UTC-7, VJ Sosa wrote:
> Dear all,
> I'm using the library to manage users in web2py (it includes functions 
> such as login, profle, lost_password, etc..).
> When I try to use the function lost_password, it ask for my email to send 
> me the password, but
> it can not send the email. It shows the message "Unable to send email",
> the log states:
> WARNING:web2py:Mail.send failure:[SSL: WRONG_VERSION_NUMBER] wrong version 
> number (_ssl.c:852)
> I'm using the configuration  ( appconfig.ini) file with this information: 
> [smtp]
> server = smtp.gmail.com:587
> sender = myu...@gmail.com <javascript:>
> login  = myuser:mypassword
> tls    = true
> ssl    = true
> I'm not sure if this is an issue with the python library or if I'm missing 
> something .
> Any ideas?
> Thansk in advance for any support!
> VĂ­ctor.

This sounds like a different error than I've seen in the forum before, but 
gmail two-factor authentication has been an issue for some users.  There is 
something in the gmail options that can be turned off on a per-app basis, 
if you trust my memory which you shouldn't.

There are other mail servers available, some of which are free for small 
volumes of mail (IIRC, BICBW) and some of which are suitable for bulk 
mailings (legitimate ones, of course).


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