There are two problems here:
1) you cannot symlink in an action because it must be done once and only 
2) You cannot have paths like /_default because they are absolute paths

Assuming this is a linux or OSX machine you should do from the shell

$ rm -rf apps/_default
$ ln -s apps/myapp apps/_default

You only need to do this once.

On Monday, 23 March 2020 05:01:41 UTC-7, Jacinto Parga wrote:
> Yes, but I get an error with symlink in __init.py__ of _default: 
> from py4web import action, __version__
> import os
> @action("index")
> @action.uses("index.html")
> def index():
>     src = "/_default"
>     dst = "/myapp"
>     os.symlink(src, dst)
>     return dict(version=__version__)
> Error Ticket: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/_default' -> '/myapp'
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/jacinto/PROGRAMACION/py4web/py4web/", line 554, in 
> wrapper
>     ret = func(*func_args, **func_kwargs)
>   File "/home/jacinto/PROGRAMACION/py4web/py4web/", line 515, in 
> wrapper
>     ret = func(*args, **kwargs)
>   File "apps/_default/", line 10, in index
>     os.symlink(src, dst)
> PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/_default' -> '/myapp'
> id 48
> uuid 8b97b87a-7ec0-4158-bace-e414438f513a
> app_name _default
> method GET
> path /
> timestamp datetime.datetime(2020, 3, 23, 11, 48, 18)
> client_ip
> error [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/_default' -> '/myapp'
> snapshot 
> timestamp 2020-03-23T11:48:18.745672
> python_version 3.7.5 (default, Nov 20 2019, 09:21:52) 
> El sábado, 21 de marzo de 2020, 8:03:00 (UTC+1), Massimo Di Pierro 
> escribió:
>> This is a good solution. One trick is to symlink _default to myapp
>> On Monday, 16 March 2020 02:17:56 UTC-7, Jacinto Parga wrote:
>>> Finally solved.
>>>    1. I add an entrypoint to the app.yaml . The app runs fine:
>>>    runtime: python37
>>>    entrypoint: gunicorn -b :8080 -w 2 main:app 
>>>    # Handlers define how to route requests to your application.
>>>    handlers:
>>>    - url: /.*
>>>      secure: always
>>>      redirect_http_response_code: 301
>>>      script: auto
>>>    2. I get rid off all the apps but the default app and the app I want 
>>>    to deploy in the .gcloudignore:
>>>    # This file specifies files that are *not* uploaded to Google Cloud 
>>>    Platform
>>>    # using gcloud. It follows the same syntax as .gitignore, with the 
>>>    addition of
>>>    # "#!include" directives (which insert the entries of the given 
>>>    .gitignore-style
>>>    # file at that point).
>>>    #
>>>    # For more information, run:
>>>    #   $ gcloud topic gcloudignore
>>>    #
>>>    .gcloudignore
>>>    # If you would like to upload your .git directory, .gitignore file 
>>>    or files
>>>    # from your .gitignore file, remove the corresponding line
>>>    # below:
>>>    .git
>>>    .gitignore
>>>    # Python pycache:
>>>    __pycache__/
>>>    # Ignored by the build system
>>>    /setup.cfg
>>>    .travis.yml
>>>    *.pyc
>>>    *.pyo
>>>    *~
>>>    #*
>>>    *.1
>>>    *.bak
>>>    *.bak2
>>>    *.svn
>>>    *.w2p
>>>    *.class
>>>    *.rej
>>>    *.orig
>>>    Thumbs.db
>>>    .DS_Store
>>>    ./deposit
>>>    ./benchmark
>>>    ./build
>>>    ./dist
>>>    ./ssl
>>>    ./docs
>>>    ./logs
>>>    ./*.zip
>>>    # Only ignore the default app and the app we want to deploy
>>>    env/*
>>>    env/
>>>    !apps/*
>>>    apps/todo
>>>    apps/todo/*
>>>    apps/examples
>>>    apps/examples/*
>>>    apps/_dashboard
>>>    apps/_dashboard/*
>>>    apps/_scaffold
>>>    apps/_scaffold/*
>>>    apps/_minimal
>>>    apps/_minimal/*
>>>    !apps/_default
>>>    !apps/_default/*
>>>    !apps/myapp
>>>    !apps/myapp/*
>>>    apps/_documentation/*
>>>    apps/superheroes
>>>    apps/superheroes/*
>>>    apps/myfeed
>>>    apps/myfeed/*
>>>    apps/*/databases/README*
>>>    pps/*/databases/*
>>>    apps/*/uploads/*
>>>    apps/*/*.py[oc]
>>>    packages/
>>>    deployment_tools/*
>>>    deployment_tools/
>>>    tests/*
>>>    tests/
>>>    test-requirements.txt
>>>    source-context.json
>>>    password.txt
>>>    Makefile
>>>    So when it is deployed in GAE goes to 
>>>    _default/index.html url
>>>    3. I modify the __init.py__ file of the _default app to redirect to 
>>>    myapp folder:
>>>    from py4web import action, __version__
>>>    from bottle import redirect  #get redirect function from bottle
>>>    @action("index")
>>>    @action.uses("index.html")
>>>    def index():
>>>          redirect("/myapp")  # The former code: return 
>>>    dict(version=__version__)
>>>    The result is that serves 
>>> Maybe there is a more elegant way to get it. Any suggestion would be 
>>> appreciated.
>>> Thanks
>>> El martes, 4 de febrero de 2020, 19:46:32 (UTC+1), Jacinto Parga 
>>> escribió:
>>>> I cannot properly deploy a simple py4web app in GAE. I think it's just 
>>>> a .gcloudignore or a app.yaml configuration issue. The only thing I've got 
>>>> is a not found page.
>>>> [image: minimal-py4web.png]
>>>> Some help about how to route the right app in the google app engine?
>>>> Thanks

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