Kind of. In py4web there is a new app called myfeed. I have git commits 
that show how to build it step by step. About to make a video from it.

On Monday, 24 February 2020 04:39:39 UTC-8, Yuver Parra wrote:
> Good morning Massimo.
> Does the promised step-by-step manual already exist?
> El miércoles, 22 de enero de 2020, 1:25:05 (UTC-5), Massimo Di Pierro 
> escribió:
>> I am preparing one. It will be done in 2 weeks. Promise.
>> On Tuesday, 21 January 2020 01:15:27 UTC-8, Dave S wrote:
>>> On Monday, January 20, 2020 at 4:55:33 AM UTC-8, Yuver Parra wrote:
>>>> Good morning and thanks in advance for sharing your knowledge in this 
>>>> group.
>>>> Do any of you have a practical example where you can follow step by 
>>>> step learning from the installation of py4web to the setting up of a site?
>>>> Thanks for the reply.
>>> When posting a new euqestion, please don't check "show at the top" --- 
>>> save that for messages that need to be displayed long-term,
>>> like etiquette or policy.
>>> Have you looked at at
>>> <URL:> ?
>>> This should make a small stand-alone server and one or more sample 
>>> applications.
>>> If you have looked at that introduction, what questions do you still 
>>> have?
>>> Also, look at the py4web documentation at
>>> <>
>>> I haven't heard of any training videos yet (the older framework, web2py, 
>>> has several, but those wouldn't be useful for py4web).
>>> If you need to learn more about setting up a front-end server, such as 
>>> NginX, you should consult the NginX website.  
>>> (the web2py position on Apache is that if you don't have it already, you 
>>> should consider NginX or other easier-to-use front ends.)
>>> Good luck!
>>> /dps

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