We can add it in utils. But before we do. Do other peopl find it useful? Is 
that a pattern we should encourage vs, for example, vue.js?
On Sunday, 23 February 2020 10:18:51 UTC-8, RHC wrote:
> HI,
> I am beginning to experiment with py4web, I like the sound of it and I am 
> looking to convert a web2py project to py4web to see how they compare.
> It appears that the LOAD (helper?) that was available in web2py templates 
> is not available in py4web. I was using this to populate part of a web 
> page, I liked the way you had the option to use LOAD to call a separate URL 
> (within the same app) and insert the result into your page before returning 
> the page to the client.
> What is the reason for the absence of LOAD in py4web? is there a 
> recommended alternative method of achieving the same effect? I have used a 
> mixture of ajax=True and ajax=False options for this feature.
> Thanks,
> Richard.

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