It looks like table inheritance is affected by the same issue:
monster = db.Table(db, 'monster', Field('color'), Field('size')) db.define_table('thing', Field('name'), monster) The following traceback is the same as the error using _enable_record_versioning() starting at *table = self.lazy_define_table*: Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> File "/home/chanson/py/py4web/apps/thing/", line 7, in <module> from . models import db File "/home/chanson/py/py4web/apps/thing/", line 9, in <module> db.define_table('thing', Field('name'), monster) * File "/home/chanson/.local/share/virtualenvs/py4web-recc_4-8/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pydal/", line 656, in define_table* * table = self.lazy_define_table(tablename, *fields, **kwargs)* * File "/home/chanson/.local/share/virtualenvs/py4web-recc_4-8/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pydal/", line 676, in lazy_define_table* * if field.requires is DEFAULT:* * File "/home/chanson/.local/share/virtualenvs/py4web-recc_4-8/lib/python3.6/site-packages/threadsafevariable/", line 16, in __get__* * return getattr(, "%s.%s" % (id(instance), id(self)))* * File "src/gevent/", line 408, in gevent._local.local.__getattribute__* AttributeError: 'gevent._local.local' object has no attribute '139976984026752.139976984930736' On Tuesday, February 18, 2020 at 8:07:25 PM UTC-8, Carlos Hanson wrote: > > Greetings, > > I just started using py4web, and I'm very excited to do so. > > Has there been any more thought on this issue? I was partially into a new > web2py app in which I use _enable_record_versioning(), and I am migrating > it to py4web. > > Thanks. > > > On Saturday, August 17, 2019 at 10:34:21 PM UTC-7, Massimo Di Pierro wrote: >> >> Sorry for the late response. I just run into this myself. Do not have a >> good solution at this time, unless we make pydal aware of >> ThreadSafeVariable(s). Maybe we have to. >> >> On Wednesday, 31 July 2019 05:05:50 UTC-7, Manuel Vio wrote: >>> >>> Ok, I narrowed the problem a bit: >>> >>> In py4web/, around line 207, there is this adjustment in order to >>> make some variables threadsafe: >>> >>> # make sure some variables in pydal are thread safe >>> for _ in ['readable', 'writable', 'default', 'update', 'requires']: >>> setattr(pydal.DAL.Field, _, threadsafevariable.ThreadSafeVariable()) >>> >>> Turns out that PyDAL's _enable_record_versioning(), in order to create >>> the archive table, clones all original fields with their properties. Or, at >>> least, it tries to: it seems that copy() fails to correctly transfer >>> threadsafevariable informations when dealing with those variables. >>> I guess that when cloned field's requires attribute is accessed those >>> information are not valid anymore and py4web throws the aforementioned >>> exception. >>> I was able to circumvent this error adding an explicit copy of the >>> attribute in pydal, but still I'm not sure if this could eventually lead to >>> thread problems: >>> >>> for field in self: >>> nfk = same_db or not field.type.startswith('reference') >>> clone = field.clone(unique=False, type=field.type if nfk else 'bigint') >>> clone.requires = copy.copy(field.requires) >>> clones.append( >>> clone >>> ) >>> >>> >>> Any thougths? >>> >> -- Resources: - - (Documentation) - (Source code) - (Report Issues) --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "web2py-users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to To view this discussion on the web visit