On Jul 22, 6:02 am, __future__ <wrigh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I realize I am a little late to this discussion but after reviewing a
> lot of the messages in the group, searching the web resources
> (purchased manual, cookbook slides, alterego, etc.) and playing around
> with the framework for a few weeks at work in my spare time, I have
> some observations:
> - Documentation should be the number one priority. I realize there is
> movement on this but I am not clear on the specifics other than Sphinx
> being mentioned, which is really good to hear.

The 2nd edition of the book is under active development right now -
Massimo's draft text is beign reviewed/enhanced by a team of other
I assure you that, just as it was 1 year ago, this will be the
authoritative reference on Web2Py once released.
Since the aim for the next phases of Web2Py is to make as few changes
as possible, then this documentation shouldn't become as limited as
quickly as the last 1 (I'd say out of date, but the last book is still
all correct & working...just that it misses out many newer
I really hope that the PDF version can be made freely-downloadable too
- I know Massimo is trying for this.

Meanwhile, I think that the 'New Cookbook Tutorial' is really very
good, either standalone or, for bringing the 1st edition of the book
up to date:

Like all successful projects projects which have been around, there
are bound to be snippets of information around the place on the
fringes that go out of date.
If in doubt, always check the main website & look at the official
resources as more authoritative than the community-generated ones.

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