Hi Massimo,


Some feedback for you on the new grid (which is looking very cool) and which I 
played with  a bit today.

Basically I  connected  to a  MySQL db and loaded some existing medium sized 
tables (~400K records) and sort of compared it with web2py grid (standard 
web2py)  and also datatables (using server side processing on py4web which is 
still at an experimental stage) .


Assuming that any grid component should  be able to load, display, paginate, 
search, filter, import, export and have CRUD functionality, I ran a small 


Main things I was looking for were:-

1:  Initial load times (crucial for larger tables) 

2:  End user experience (look and feel, filtering, useablitly etc.)

3: Functionality


(1)    For initial  load times (and I haven’t put in any timing stats) for sure 
the new py4web grid wins hands down followed closely by datatables and finally 
web2py grid. As the web2py grid doesn’t run on py4web we cannot really compare 
apples and pears but all tests were run on same machine using same database.

(2)    This is slightly subjective but for now I would go with datatables 
followed by web2py.grid and finally py4web.grid for the following reasons:-

a.       Datatables (to me) looks a lot better than the web2py.grid even after 
restyling it to get is as close (looks wise) to datatables. 

b.      Web2py.grid filtering/extended search (to me) is streaks ahead of the 
other two. It is probably one of the most usefull tools when working with big 
tables (even though the load time if you have a table with many referenced 
fields is a bit tedious). Datatable search(ing) is pretty good though a bit 
hungry when doing the searching server side and I still haven’t managed get the 
server side to filter properly on referenced fields but in general it works 
pretty much okay.  The filtering on the new grid is very unintuitive by 
comparison and I was not able to build any sort of query (but that could just 
be me).

c.        Pagination/Load More doesn’t work for me particularly for larger 
tables where it is much easier (in my opinion) to use standard pagination with 
first and last etc unless there is a query builder similar to web2py.grid 
available to filter out a set of records. Even then first and last are still 
very useful for larger sets

(3)       Here web2py.grid has to win hands down J followed closely by 
datatables (after a lot of hair pulling). Whilst I understand this is v1.0 of 
the py4web.grid, there are a few (in my opinion) fundamental things that need 

a.       Referenced fields in the grid are displayed as [linked id’s]. Clicking 
on them does nothing. Would be good to show the referenced records _format and 
clicking on the link should display the record (either in view or edit mode). 
This is semi-working in the _dashboard app but there is no way (apart from the 
back arrow) to get back to the original table/record.

b.      Adding a new record that has referenced fields does not work yet 
(certainly there is no dropdown list to chose from)

c.       Similarly changing a record with a referenced field needs a bit of 

d.      Import/Export functionality 



I think for a v1.0  the grid is very cool and shows a huge amount  of 

Having said that (for me) the ideal grid for py4web would be something that has 
the following :-

1: Web2py.grid type extended search form.

2: Look and feel of (slightly extended) datatables

3: Speed of py4web.grid as is currently is. 




Please note that the above is purely my opinion and is intended purely to 
provide my own feedback on the py4web new grid.


(bucket list is running over) J


Best Regards


From: web2py@googlegroups.com [mailto:web2py@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of 
Massimo Di Pierro
Sent: 12 September 2019 08:32
To: web2py-users
Subject: [web2py] py4web has now a grid ...


... it is incomplete. It is experimental. The API is subject to change. But I 
could use some community feedback:


from py4web.utils.publisher import Publisher, ALLOW_ALL_POLICY





# exposes services necessary to access the db via ajax



publisher = Publisher(db, policy=ALLOW_ALL_POLICY)







# expose as /examples/grid









def example_grid():


     return dict(grid=publisher.grid(db.person)) 

embed in template with [[=grid]] in templates/grid.html as in web2py. 
The difference from web2py is that the grid communicate with the server via 
ajax and the style is in static/components/mtable.html
Still does not access authentication based access control but will add it very 



You can try it.


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