face same error too on mac python3.7
./web3py-start -p password.txt -a apps
cat << EOF >> apps/_scaffold/models.py
db.define_table('thing', Field('name') )
db.define_table('think', Field('name') )
open http://localhost:8000/_dashboard

error traceback on terminal (appears when 'reload apps' button hit)
[FAILED] loading _scaffold     
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/sugizo/learn/python/web3py/web3py/core.py", line 614, in 
, line 169, in reload
    _bootstrap._exec(spec, module)
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 630, in _exec
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in 
  File "/Users/sugizo/learn/python/web3py/apps/_scaffold/common.py", line 37
, in <module>
    groups = Tags(db.auth_user, 'groups')
  File "/Users/sugizo/learn/python/web3py/web3py/utils/tags.py", line 14, in 
    Field('record_id', table))
, line 581, in define_table
    raise SyntaxError('table already defined: %s' % tablename)
  File "<string>", line None
SyntaxError: table already defined: auth_user_tag_groups

strange things, error traceback above not occured on _dashboard (recent 
tickets), no ticket id shown yet on terminal
after hit 'reload apps' sometimes stuck in gears animation not in previous 
_dashboard content (installed applications, recent tickets, system)

best regards,

On Monday, June 3, 2019 at 10:16:27 PM UTC+7, John Bannister wrote:
> Hi All,
> Finally gotten round to playing again on the latest Web3py.
> On _scaffold app .. if I add new tables to model file and then reload from 
> the dashboard .. I get errors as follows:-
> File "C:\Users\johhb\py3\lib\site-packages\pydal\base.py", line 581, in 
> define_table
>     raise SyntaxError('table already defined: %s' % tablename)
>   File "<string>", line None
> SyntaxError: table already defined: auth_user_tag_groups
> Only way around it seems to be to delete contents of database folder and 
> restart.
> Dashboard app hangs on reload sometimes (I think it has to do the with 
> same issue above) and only way to get round it is to restart the server and 
> refresh the _dashboard app. 
> I really want to start using it to create a few new apps I am due to start 
> working on shortly even though I am well aware that it is not yet 
> production ready so will keep testing and assist wherever I can. Thanks 
> again for all the hard work put in so far I am sure its gonna be a really 
> cool solution.
> Best Regards
> John
> On Thursday, 16 May 2019 17:15:44 UTC+2, John Bannister wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Had a first real 'play' with web3py' today and have a few questions the 
>> biggest of which I am hoping the gurus will be able to answer:-
>> 1: Is there any way to not to have to restart the app every time changes 
>> are made to actions in the controller or new actions added etc? I 
>> understand that controllers are basically being imported when the app fires 
>> up but is any there any way to occasionally reload instead of having to 
>> restart the app? This is a fairly big one for me as sometimes tweaks will 
>> need to be made in production and restarting the web server is not really 
>> an option so hopefully I am missing something really simple.
>> Thanks in advance
>> John

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