hello one and all,

yes, I have web2py 2.17.2 running on a raspberry pi model 3 b+, raspbian is 
its OS, as a server for my students to mess up.  on this "server", under 
nginx 1.10.3, web2py is currently using python 2.7.13.  but raspbian has 
both python 2 (2.17.13) and 3, specifically 3.5.3.  I read that the 
executable for web2py is python version specific, but I want to make sure I 
reading and understanding properly.

anyway, can I switch web2py to run python 3 as its core instead of the 
python 2, since raspbian has both python versions already running on it? 
 and specifically, what would it take to get web2py to use the python 3 
that is already native on raspbian?

the reason is because the adafruit ads1115 analog-to-digital library only 
runs on python 3 and I'd like web2py to access the board directly.

thank you in advance and have a good day.  Lucas

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