You may have missed this but there is a new functionality in PyDAL that allows you to create very powerful APIs. It is called DBAPI. It is still not 100% stable but it is working and I could use some help testing it. web3py's equivalent of appadmin will be called dbadmin (90% done) and it is based on DBAPI. Even if primarily designed for web3py it works for web2py too and you can find some preliminary examples below. Hope it is self-explanatory.
DBAPI EXAMPLES Inspired by GraphQL but not quite the same Less powerful but simpler to use Self descriptive (@model=True) and policy based (policy set serverside) Support complex queries like: - name.eq=Clark Kent - Kent - Kent - Kent - Kent - name.le=Clark Kent - name.startswith=Clark - name.contains=Kent - - not.superhero.tag.superpower.description.eq=Flight Support de-normalization: - @lookup=real_identity - @lookup=real_identity[name] - @lookup=real_identity[name,job] - @lookup=identity:real_identity[name,job] - @lookup=identity!:real_identity[name,job] - @lookup=superhero.tag - @lookup=superhero.tag[strength] - @lookup=superhero.tag[strength].superpower - @lookup=superhero.tag[strength].superpower.description Fast. Even the most complex query is implemented with at most 2 selects + 1 select for each denormalized link table Example Model db.define_table( 'person', Field('name'), Field('job')) db.define_table( 'superhero', Field('name'), Field('real_identity', 'reference person')) db.define_table( 'superpower', Field('description')) db.define_table( 'tag', Field('superhero', 'reference superhero'), Field('superpower', 'reference superpower'), Field('strength', 'integer')) Example Controller from pydal.dbapi import DBAPI, Policy policy = Policy() policy.set('*', 'GET', authorize=lambda tablename, id, get_vars, post_vars:True, allowed_patterns=['*']) policy.set('*', 'PUT', authorize=lambda tablename, id, get_vars, post_vars:False) policy.set('*', 'POST', authorize=lambda tablename, id, get_vars, post_vars:False) policy.set('*', 'DELETE', authorize=lambda tablename, id, get_vars, post_vars:False) def api(): return DBAPI(db, policy)(request.method, request.args(0), request.args(1), request.get_vars, request.post_vars) Example GET URLs /superheroes/default/api.json/superhero { "count": 3, "status": "success", "code": 200, "items": [ { "real_identity": 1, "name": "Superman", "id": 1 }, { "real_identity": 2, "name": "Spiderman", "id": 2 }, { "real_identity": 3, "name": "Batman", "id": 3 } ], "timestamp": "2019-05-14T06:14:06.764966", "api_version": "0.1" } /superheroes/default/api.json/superhero&@model=true { "status": "error", "timestamp": "2019-05-14T06:14:06.997662", "message": "Invalid table name: superhero_amp_@model=true", "code": 400, "api_version": "0.1" } /superheroes/default/api.json/superhero?@lookup=real_identity { "count": 3, "status": "success", "code": 200, "items": [ { "real_identity": { "name": "Clark Kent", "job": "Journalist", "id": 1 }, "name": "Superman", "id": 1 }, { "real_identity": { "name": "Peter Park", "job": "Photographer", "id": 2 }, "name": "Spiderman", "id": 2 }, { "real_identity": { "name": "Bruce Wayne", "job": "CEO", "id": 3 }, "name": "Batman", "id": 3 } ], "timestamp": "2019-05-14T06:14:06.931746", "api_version": "0.1" } /superheroes/default/api.json/superhero?@lookup=identity:real_identity { "count": 3, "status": "success", "code": 200, "items": [ { "real_identity": 1, "name": "Superman", "id": 1, "identity": { "name": "Clark Kent", "job": "Journalist", "id": 1 } }, { "real_identity": 2, "name": "Spiderman", "id": 2, "identity": { "name": "Peter Park", "job": "Photographer", "id": 2 } }, { "real_identity": 3, "name": "Batman", "id": 3, "identity": { "name": "Bruce Wayne", "job": "CEO", "id": 3 } } ], "timestamp": "2019-05-14T06:14:07.000183", "api_version": "0.1" } /superheroes/default/api.json/superhero?@lookup=identity!:real_identity[name,job] { "count": 3, "status": "success", "code": 200, "items": [ { "name": "Superman", "identity_job": "Journalist", "identity_name": "Clark Kent", "id": 1 }, { "name": "Spiderman", "identity_job": "Photographer", "identity_name": "Peter Park", "id": 2 }, { "name": "Batman", "identity_job": "CEO", "identity_name": "Bruce Wayne", "id": 3 } ], "timestamp": "2019-05-14T06:14:06.881501", "api_version": "0.1" } /superheroes/default/api.json/superhero?@lookup=superhero.tag { "count": 3, "status": "success", "code": 200, "items": [ { "real_identity": 1, "name": "Superman", "superhero.tag": [ { "strength": 100, "superhero": 1, "id": 1, "superpower": 1 }, { "strength": 100, "superhero": 1, "id": 2, "superpower": 2 }, { "strength": 100, "superhero": 1, "id": 3, "superpower": 3 }, { "strength": 100, "superhero": 1, "id": 4, "superpower": 4 } ], "id": 1 }, { "real_identity": 2, "name": "Spiderman", "superhero.tag": [ { "strength": 50, "superhero": 2, "id": 5, "superpower": 2 }, { "strength": 75, "superhero": 2, "id": 6, "superpower": 3 }, { "strength": 10, "superhero": 2, "id": 7, "superpower": 4 } ], "id": 2 }, { "real_identity": 3, "name": "Batman", "superhero.tag": [ { "strength": 80, "superhero": 3, "id": 8, "superpower": 2 }, { "strength": 20, "superhero": 3, "id": 9, "superpower": 3 }, { "strength": 70, "superhero": 3, "id": 10, "superpower": 4 } ], "id": 3 } ], "timestamp": "2019-05-14T06:14:06.924036", "api_version": "0.1" } /superheroes/default/api.json/superhero?@lookup=superhero.tag.superpower { "count": 3, "status": "success", "code": 200, "items": [ { "real_identity": 1, "name": "Superman", "superhero.tag.superpower": [ { "strength": 100, "superhero": 1, "id": 1, "superpower": { "id": 1, "description": "Flight" } }, { "strength": 100, "superhero": 1, "id": 2, "superpower": { "id": 2, "description": "Strength" } }, { "strength": 100, "superhero": 1, "id": 3, "superpower": { "id": 3, "description": "Speed" } }, { "strength": 100, "superhero": 1, "id": 4, "superpower": { "id": 4, "description": "Durability" } } ], "id": 1 }, { "real_identity": 2, "name": "Spiderman", "superhero.tag.superpower": [ { "strength": 50, "superhero": 2, "id": 5, "superpower": { "id": 2, "description": "Strength" } }, { "strength": 75, "superhero": 2, "id": 6, "superpower": { "id": 3, "description": "Speed" } }, { "strength": 10, "superhero": 2, "id": 7, "superpower": { "id": 4, "description": "Durability" } } ], "id": 2 }, { "real_identity": 3, "name": "Batman", "superhero.tag.superpower": [ { "strength": 80, "superhero": 3, "id": 8, "superpower": { "id": 2, "description": "Strength" } }, { "strength": 20, "superhero": 3, "id": 9, "superpower": { "id": 3, "description": "Speed" } }, { "strength": 70, "superhero": 3, "id": 10, "superpower": { "id": 4, "description": "Durability" } } ], "id": 3 } ], "timestamp": "2019-05-14T06:14:07.118823", "api_version": "0.1" } /superheroes/default/api.json/superhero?@lookup=powers:superhero.tag[strength].superpower[description] { "count": 3, "status": "success", "code": 200, "items": [ { "real_identity": 1, "name": "Superman", "powers": [ { "strength": 100, "superpower": { "description": "Flight" } }, { "strength": 100, "superpower": { "description": "Strength" } }, { "strength": 100, "superpower": { "description": "Speed" } }, { "strength": 100, "superpower": { "description": "Durability" } } ], "id": 1 }, { "real_identity": 2, "name": "Spiderman", "powers": [ { "strength": 50, "superpower": { "description": "Strength" } }, { "strength": 75, "superpower": { "description": "Speed" } }, { "strength": 10, "superpower": { "description": "Durability" } } ], "id": 2 }, { "real_identity": 3, "name": "Batman", "powers": [ { "strength": 80, "superpower": { "description": "Strength" } }, { "strength": 20, "superpower": { "description": "Speed" } }, { "strength": 70, "superpower": { "description": "Durability" } } ], "id": 3 } ], "timestamp": "2019-05-14T06:14:07.260728", "api_version": "0.1" } /superheroes/default/api.json/superhero?@lookup=powers!:superhero.tag[strength].superpower[description] { "count": 3, "status": "success", "code": 200, "items": [ { "real_identity": 1, "name": "Superman", "powers": [ { "strength": 100, "description": "Flight" }, { "strength": 100, "description": "Strength" }, { "strength": 100, "description": "Speed" }, { "strength": 100, "description": "Durability" } ], "id": 1 }, { "real_identity": 2, "name": "Spiderman", "powers": [ { "strength": 50, "description": "Strength" }, { "strength": 75, "description": "Speed" }, { "strength": 10, "description": "Durability" } ], "id": 2 }, { "real_identity": 3, "name": "Batman", "powers": [ { "strength": 80, "description": "Strength" }, { "strength": 20, "description": "Speed" }, { "strength": 70, "description": "Durability" } ], "id": 3 } ], "timestamp": "2019-05-14T06:14:07.252807", "api_version": "0.1" } /superheroes/default/api.json/superhero?@lookup=powers!:superhero.tag[strength].superpower[description],identity!:real_identity[name] { "count": 3, "status": "success", "code": 200, "items": [ { "name": "Superman", "identity_name": "Clark Kent", "powers": [ { "strength": 100, "description": "Flight" }, { "strength": 100, "description": "Strength" }, { "strength": 100, "description": "Speed" }, { "strength": 100, "description": "Durability" } ], "id": 1 }, { "name": "Spiderman", "identity_name": "Peter Park", "powers": [ { "strength": 50, "description": "Strength" }, { "strength": 75, "description": "Speed" }, { "strength": 10, "description": "Durability" } ], "id": 2 }, { "name": "Batman", "identity_name": "Bruce Wayne", "powers": [ { "strength": 80, "description": "Strength" }, { "strength": 20, "description": "Speed" }, { "strength": 70, "description": "Durability" } ], "id": 3 } ], "timestamp": "2019-05-14T06:14:07.189899", "api_version": "0.1" } /superheroes/default/api.json/superhero?name.eq=Superman { "count": 1, "status": "success", "code": 200, "items": [ { "real_identity": 1, "name": "Superman", "id": 1 } ], "timestamp": "2019-05-14T06:14:07.185643", "api_version": "0.1" } /superheroes/default/api.json/superhero? Kent { "count": 1, "status": "success", "code": 200, "items": [ { "real_identity": 1, "name": "Superman", "id": 1 } ], "timestamp": "2019-05-14T06:14:07.230685", "api_version": "0.1" } /superheroes/default/api.json/superhero? Kent { "count": 2, "status": "success", "code": 200, "items": [ { "real_identity": 2, "name": "Spiderman", "id": 2 }, { "real_identity": 3, "name": "Batman", "id": 3 } ], "timestamp": "2019-05-14T06:14:07.287187", "api_version": "0.1" } /superheroes/default/api.json/superhero?!:superhero.tag.superpower { "status": "error", "timestamp": "2019-05-14T06:14:07.296769", "message": "'amp'", "code": 400, "api_version": "0.1" } /superheroes/default/api.json/superhero?superhero.tag.superpower.description=Flight { "count": 1, "status": "success", "code": 200, "items": [ { "real_identity": 1, "name": "Superman", "id": 1 } ], "timestamp": "2019-05-14T06:14:07.286926", "api_version": "0.1" } -- Resources: - - (Documentation) - (Source code) - (Report Issues) --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "web2py-users" group. 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