On Jul 19, 4:27 am, Fran <francisb...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> On Jul 19, 12:49 am, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> > Another killer app I would like to see it this:
> > A p2p news app.
> > Imagine installing web2py and an app that allows you to select
> > keywords of interest. the app connect to other apps of the same tipe
> > via xmlrpc fetches recent news items that match your interests and
> > serves them locally. You can block individual news and/or post more
> > news. Visitors can comment and vote. Comments stay local but upvotes/
> > downvotes affect propagation of the news. The layout could be
> > customizable.
> > I am very concerned about governments censoring information. This
> > system would create a worldwide news network without a central point
> > of failure. A particular item propagates as long as the readers find
> > it interesting.
> Isn't this basically what social networks do already?

No. Think of twitter. There is a server somewhere at twitter.com that
handles the twits. It is centralized. It worked in the case of Iranian
elections because it happens that that server is not in Iran.

I am talking a real p2p network for news. To my knwoledge there is no
such a thing.

> I see this very clearly with the current news on the Iranian post-
> election fallout:
>  * News items pop up in all sorts of places (Traditional Broadcasters/
> Blogs/Facebook/Twitter)
>  * These get forwarded through all these diverse media again
> (including being shared in Google Reader)
> I rather like this heterogeneous system as it provides for diverse
> routing.
> The main issue with censorship here is the Nokia-Siemens DPI which
> needs to be avoided using tools like ToR or Haystack.
> To get the p2p app to work effectively, many people would need to take
> it up.
> Again, the diverse interlinked routes we have already seem like less
> of an uphill struggle...
> F
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