Is the selected date in a db field? Then when editing the same field, the 
date picker should show the selected date.

If the date is still not saved to a db field but only in js, then you can 
send it using something similar to this

        <script type = "text/javascript">
                do {
                    var correctValues = ["1", "2", "3", ""];
                    var retVal = prompt("{{=T('Starting position')}} (1, 2, 
3): ", "1");
                } while (!(retVal in correctValues) & retVal !== null);

                if (retVal === null) {
                    window.location.href = "{{=request.env.http_referer}}";
                } else {
                    window.location.href = "{{
                        url = 'https://' if request.is_https else 'http://'
                        url += request.env.http_host + request.url + '/'
                    }}" + retVal + "?{{=request.env.query_string}}";

quinta-feira, 25 de Abril de 2019 às 20:40:25 UTC+1, Andrea Fae' escreveu:
> How to preserve datepicker selected date after postback using web2py in a 
> javascript view... I think it's a javascript problem but I don't know how 
> to fix it.
> thank you

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