Hi Joe,

Thanks so much for responding. Let me be more specific. I was referring to a
section in the book, chapter two, on types
In there it suggests

>>> a = 3>>> print type(a)<type 'int'>
> But that didn't work for me, I got error messages (don't recall what they
were at this moment).
However, when I tried it using two other methods...

> >>> a = 3

>>> type(a)


> >>> a = 3

>>> print(type(a))

Both of those worked for me. Kind of weird because when I checked which
version of python I had running  it said 2.7 but perhaps I installed w2p
with python3.

Anyway, at the end I was suggesting that maybe we could update the book
some making reference to how things might look with python3. I wasn't sure
if that sort of thing is just done here, by mentioning it in the forum and
someone will get to it, or if it might be done by pull request.



On Thu, Mar 28, 2019 at 9:30 PM Joe Barnhart <joe.barnh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Al --
> First off, welcome to the web2py group.  Next, it's not clear from your
> message just what the question is.  If you can elaborate on (a) what you
> did, (b) what you expected, and (c) what you got, I'm sure someone here can
> help
> Warm regards,
> Joe B.
> On Thursday, March 28, 2019 at 2:10:50 AM UTC-7, Al Hart wrote:
>> Hi folks, if you'll pardon the corny title, I am brand new to web2py (so
>> excited to discover it) and I'm just working may way through the book. In
>> Chapter two, the section on types, I tried to run the examples, but I got
>> error messages. Googling around it seemed to work better if I went one of
>> two ways:
>>    1. a = 3
>>    type(a)
>>    2. a = 4
>>    print(type(a))
>> I'm on Ubuntu 18.04. Not sure if the example is based on python 3? If
>> not, is this the best way to suggest updates to the book or should we just
>> try a pull request?
> --
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