I don't see any code that checks for record change, but you could do 
something like:

elif request.args and request.args[0] == 'edit':
    if request.vars.modified_on != str(form.record.modified_on):
        session.flash = 'Record change detected. Please try again.'
        redirect(URL(args=request.args, vars=request.get_vars))

That will redirect to the same URL, which will load the same record (with 
the updated data), and show the message after redirect.


On Wednesday, March 27, 2019 at 3:06:16 PM UTC-4, João Matos wrote:
> This is my code for the another table (it has the same situation, but 
> without using a SQLFORM.factory).
> I posted this instead of the SQLFORM.factory, because it is simpler code.
> My index function contains the grid
>         grid = SQLFORM.grid(
>             query,
>             csv=False, deletable=False, details=False,
>             links=[
>                 lambda row: A(
>                     SPAN(T('Delete'), _class='buttontext button', _title=
> 'Delete'),
>                     _href=URL('get_approval', args=[row.id], 
> user_signature=True),
>                     _class='button btn btn-default btn-secondary',
>                 ),
>             ],
>             onvalidation=on_validation,  # Form only.
>             orderby=db.client.name,
>             paginate=session.auth.user.pagination,
>             # represent_none='',  # Grid and view form only.
>         )
>     if 'edit' in request.args:
>         form = grid.update_form
>         form['hidden'].update(modified_on=form.record.modified_on)
> My onvalidation function
>     if request.args and request.args[0] == 'new':
>         # Fix for SQLite instead of for_update=True. When for_update is
>         # fixed for SQLite, only the first SELECT in the function should
>         # have for_update=True.
>         while True:
>             try:
>                 # SQLite only does database lock.
>                 db.executesql('BEGIN IMMEDIATE TRANSACTION')
>                 break
>             except sqlite3.OperationalError:
>                 sleep(0.5)
>     elif not db.client(request.vars.id).is_active:
>         session.flash = T('Record was deleted while you were editing.')
>         redirect(URL(user_signature=True))
>     elif request.post_vars.modified_on != str(db.client(request.vars.id).
> modified_on):
>         form.errors.code = T('Record was changed while you were editing. '
>                              'Press F5 to refresh and press Resend in the 
> '
>                              'browser question.')
>     elif form.vars.delete_this_record:
>         # Fix for SQLite instead of for_update=True. When for_update is
>         # fixed for SQLite, only the first SELECT in the function should
>         # have for_update=True.
>         while True:
>             try:
>                 # SQLite only does database lock.
>                 db.executesql('BEGIN IMMEDIATE TRANSACTION')
>                 break
>             except sqlite3.OperationalError:
>                 sleep(0.5)
>         db.client(request.vars.id).update_record(
>             cancel_approved_by=auth.user_id,
>             canceled_by=auth.user_id,
>             canceled_on=request.now,
>             is_active=False,
>         )
>         db.commit()
>         session.flash = T('Done.')
>         redirect(URL(user_signature=True))
>     elif request.args and request.args[0] == 'edit':
>         # Fix for SQLite instead of for_update=True. When for_update is
>         # fixed for SQLite, only the first SELECT in the function should
>         # have for_update=True.
>         while True:
>             try:
>                 # SQLite only does database lock.
>                 db.executesql('BEGIN IMMEDIATE TRANSACTION')
>                 break
>             except sqlite3.OperationalError:
>                 sleep(0.5)
> quarta-feira, 27 de Março de 2019 às 18:47:33 UTC, Anthony escreveu:
>> Need to see your code.
>> On Wednesday, March 27, 2019 at 2:47:01 PM UTC-4, João Matos wrote:
>>> You mean to update the editing form with the new values from the record 
>>> on the db without telling the user to press F5?
>>> How can I do it?
>>> Thanks.

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