On Jul 18, 5:21 am, Jitender <jitender...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Do  we need a  'No-Cache-Modulels' folder  along with the 'modules'
> folder.

I think this would be an unnecessary complication but if you could
submit a patch so that admin has a button to reload modules, that
would be nice.

> So that we can have one folder where we put most of our development
> modules and once the code is stable or putting to world wide web. We
> can then move the .pyc or .py folders to 'modules' folder.
> I have also tested this module and I was impressed with reimport
> (module) instead of reload(module)
>    http://code.google.com/p/reimport/
> But in short we need for users to have one folder that is reserved
> that code or pyc files placed in that folder are not cached !!
> JItender
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